I'm near the Great Lakes so we get what is called lake effect snow....the storms move over the Great Lakes, gather moisture from the lakes, and dump it on us.
Must be in the Syracuse up to Watertown area? Actually there is a lot of UpState New York that gets that lake effect isn't there?
We get a little of it here in NE Indiana at times - but nothing like you get up there. Your pic is beautiful though. My backyard is pretty full of the white fluffy stuff too - but you really have a bunch there. It is pretty - but no fun to get out in!
Ozzie - I must admit that I have great envy at the moment for you - in fact I thought of you folks down-under just this weekend when I was out working in 0 degree [F] weather this weekend. Bout froze my fannie off! You showed a chart of the temps there all in Celsius - for those of us ignorant Americans - what are the summer temps like there in F?
Jeff [of the too lazy this morning to look up the charts]