Brand New Blood Card

by PoppyR 92 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TheListener

    The latest is 11/04 and it's a 2 sided kinda shiny piece of paper. It has areas for you to check off whether you'll except fractions and whatnot. It also has an end of life section - you know pull the plug or not.

  • GoingGoingGone

    Thanks Listener, this isn't it then. I'll keep my eye out for the new one or any info about it.


  • TheListener

    The new ones were passed out with fanfare last December. Even had separate instruction sheets to go along with them.

    Everyone got one, apparently not everyone filled them out. Ask the cong. secretary and see if he has one on file for your spouse. (just kidding).

  • bennyk

    Bah. This is just an attempt to lull the unwitting Witlesses to sleep. Next year no one will question the new item on the bloodcard/DPA:

    6a) I consent to grant unrestricted access to my checking and savings accounts to: [Ted Jarasz recommended] and/or other members of the Governing Body.

  • Ned

    I am stunned. Those coercive blanket-t-blanks at Bethel.

    When I was attending the KH, the Watchtower's line was to have other JW's report whenever they saw or learned or heard of a sister breaking the abortion ban. I can't remember if this ratting out applied to the blood card or not. Now, instead of relying on other JWs to snitch, the Society is going to get permission straight from the JW!


  • inbyathread

    bk you crack me up.

    The boy will be home this weekend. Give a call for update

  • Rabbit

    I had back surgery recently. I talked to my surgeon, told him I was NOT a JW anymore and if necessary -- give me blood. And "Do not under any circumstances talk to anyone except my wife and my non-JW Dad about my treatment." He said, " No problem. With the stringent Hipaa rules, it makes your request very easy for me to comply."

    IMAGINE my horror, when checking in at admissions, the lady says, "I see you're religious preference is ...Jehovah's Witness." (WTF?) She ignores my seizure and hands me a wad of papers -- ..."these you need to sign, initial here on all the (x's)..."

    "Wait, wait, uh-uh...NO! I'm not a JW, I mean I used to be, b-but..."

    She went on to show me on her screen what she said. I asked for a print-out. "How old are these ?", I asked.

    It turned out they were about 7 - 8 years old -- from a hospital group that was bought out by this hospital (which I had never been to !). She went on to tell me that these records 'stay around forever' unless you ask to change them. I told her about telling my Doc, she said, "unless you change the computer data -- it stays. If you were brought in unconscious, we would have had to follow your previous orders."

    So, she changed that for me. I asked for her to print out EVERYTHING she had about me. She argued "it's all OK now...". She humored me. She handed me the 'amended' papers, I nearly fell out of my chair, when I read "Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx" as my 'next of kin' who would make medical decisions for me, if I could not --- IT WAS MY X-WIFE's NAME (a truly faithful JW) ! This, despite having supposedly 'changing it in the computer'.

    The 'moral of the story' is: Do NOT trust that your info has been updated correctly, take charge. I had her print out my info 3 times before all the errors were fixed. These 'durable powers of attorney' are just that -- durable.

    Don't bet your life on this stuff !


  • BrendaCloutier
  • Aude_Sapere

    Rabbit Wrote:

    The 'moral of the story' is: Do NOT trust that your info has been updated correctly, take charge. I had her print out my info 3 times before all the errors were fixed. These 'durable powers of attorney' are just that -- durable. Don't bet your life on this stuff !

    I suggest you check on your records after a month or so. Imagine *MY* horror when I went back into the hospital for tests 3 months after discharge to see the 'JEH' indication for religion back on my information sheet after all my efforts in July/August of this year.

    Here's my post of the details:

    I will be checking up on them again to make sure that the changes were not only made complete thru the system but that they have stuck.

    Thanks for the reminder. I hope you (Rabbit) are doing well now.


  • observador

    "We'll have to wait to see if there are any changes in the US card."

    Precisely what I thought too. Because of legal requirements in the US, the card may be a little different.

    Can't wait to see the BLOODY card. :)

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