Brand New Blood Card meeting - Your Blood will run cold.

by hamsterbait 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • hamsterbait

    I first noticed that no scriptural discussion of the choice is made, so it all appears to be solely the decision of the signatory.

    When choosing alternatives of treatment, the Witless merely initials his choice under clauses 3 and 4. Since this simply indicates choice, full signature and witness are not required.

    Now clause 6:

    "I consent to my medical records ands the details of my condition being shared with the Emergency Contact below (cong secretary recommended) and/or with member(s) of the Hospital Liaison Committee for Jehovah's Witnesses.

    This does require a full signature and date, so it is legally valid. It is also suggested in the MS talk that if the doctors have your records on computer, all the details of the new card should be be transferred to disk also. (So they can spy without breaching computer data privacy laws.)


    The HLC is not there to read about my medical history, but to offer comfort to relatives and reason with the doctors. The implications are soul-chilling:

    A baptized13 year old girl is treated for injuries after a rape. She is so traumatized that out of the parents' pity the elders are never told.

    Any average Joe elder on the HLC can now read this, as she is now 18 and signed the form of her own free will. It also turns out the poor kid got pregnant as a result, and had an abortion.

    Next thing the men in black want her in the back room. Was she wearing a thong? Did/didn't she scream? Deos she repent of her act of murder?

    A brother goes through an episode of heavy drinking - I did because of the way this cult messes with your mind.

    The HLC tells his local body, he is in the back room.

    A baptized teenage boy gets infected tendinitis from compulsive self- abuse with porn. Was it with greed? Although he put his life on the line by signing the blood card, it is no compensation. He is DF (Remember the Statute of Limitation on Serious Sins only applies to Elders and MS, so they won't feel compelled to be merciful in this case.)

    Also - suppose the accident happens thousands of miles away in Japan, where the HLC cannot read english? Given the emergency number, they will let the local KHell know. And they can now demand if the victim gave in and had a transfusion because he was far from home and maybe thought no one would know.

    Is this more to control the masses? Why do they want to read my general medical records?

    Will we now see men in black striding into hospitals, demanding the right to computer access to records? They already intrude and try to read the hard copy left by the bed. There was a case of this on the board.

    Maybe my cases are too far out, but peoples lives and families have been wrecked over far less than this in the Borg.


  • kittyeatzjdubs

    i think the whole thing is just sicksicksick.

    i'm just glad i'm out of that hellhole. i shreded my blood card as soon as i moved in w/ matt.

    luv, jojo

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Yep - they want full control. Big Brother is here!

    I wonder now, with all the evidence presented and documented of their wrong view on blood, if the reason they continue with this farce is to save face, save money, or just keep the jw masses needing the daily fix of authority intruding in their lives?

    Do they really think they should be involved in every move a witness makes of his personal volition? Oh - what the hell am I saying? I spent forty years with the shackles on my ankles. That is precisely what they want. The only way to keep slaves is to act like slave masters.


  • DanTheMan
    "I consent to my medical records ands the details of my condition being shared with the Emergency Contact below (cong secretary recommended) and/or with member(s) of the Hospital Liaison Committee for Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Simply unbelievable. Where the hell do they get off?? And why do the dubs put up with it? Why do people submit to such overzealous and intrusive authority structures?

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    I consent to my medical records ands the details of my condition being shared with the Emergency Contact below (cong secretary recommended) and/or with member(s) of the Hospital Liaison Committee for Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Jesus.Is this true?A Worldwide thing?

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    Just saw on another thread that this is in the UK.

    Just think,they will be falling over themselves to get it signed too.

    What complete and utter bullshit.

  • VM44

    This matter should be left simply between an individual and God!

    Why does THE WATCHTOWER think they have to POLICE the blood issue?


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee
    And why do the dubs put up with it?

    They put up with it because they have been taught that the elders are appointed by God's spirit and are there to support them and help them.

    "How wonderful that our spirit appointed brothers are looking out for our best interests" (can I gag now?)

    This is no different than an abusive parent who demands to know everything you do and how you do it and then say they need this because they love their children and are "concerned" for them.

    Abuse is abuse is abuse.And control is control is also abuse.

  • atypical

    It seems to me like each move being made involves putting more liability on the individual, and less on the society. If everybody is signing a form that lets the elders view their medical records ( I mean, what is more confidential than medical records? ) then it would probably be real tough to complain about their high control to lawyers or media. Who will look like the idiot, the corporation who protected themself, or the individual who signed over their most sensitive information to unqualified nobodies with hardly a thought? People on the outside won't understand the social pressure and consequences that witnesses face if they don't go along with crap like this.

    It makes my blood run cold, no pun intended, to realize the extent that people's lives are being run under the ruse of "God's Direction".

  • jgnat

    In the past ten years there has been a movement in the industrialized world to increase privacy protection for individuals. I won't bore you with the details of how this happened.

    The WTBTS is simply trying to do a run around HIPPA and other privacy legislation. Your information belongs to you! Don't give up your privacy lightly.

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