I'll miss some of you. I curse others. It's been an interesting 3 years. I have nothing else to add to this forum. In my opinion it rotted long ago, i've just been microwaving the corpse now and then to kill the germs. Goodbye to Abaddon, Metatron, JH, Auldsoul,Jeanniebeanz, Crumpet,Sassie,Blondie,Legolas,Wanderlastguy,minimus,dansk,Nasferatu,RichieRich,quotes,funkyderek,Elsewhere. And also the guy(can't remember the username) but he used to have a guy on a horse as his avatar. I think he's from minnesota or wisconsin or something.I used to talk to him in chat.
Also goodbye to Simon, although I think you screwed up in many ways on this board, I appreciate your efforts here.