I remember once, he came at my door all alone. Knowing that I don't answer the door to the witnesses, and knowing that I didn't know him, he came alone trying to fool me, but he didn't fool me, cause I recognized the CO's car parked in front, so he never got to talk to me.
Hey, just so you don't give in to full-blown, bug-sh*t paranoia!
When I was doing my 'fade' the CO and PO called on me - a young single sister (23 year old virgin, too). They questioned me closely about sexual matters - disgustingly, I believe now that the CO was getting off on it. Damn! Anyway, the topper was they wanted to know specifically why I was not interested in marrying young Bro. B, a strong witness who was interested in me. I said we had dated but I was not in love with him. They clearly indicated that wasn't important - 'love could come in time.'