Often when your in life, on message board or even among family members. You will get people from time to time, who try to offer some sort of corrective action on your behavior. Maybe they say something like, "I think you should say that differently" or "you topic is something I think belongs elsewhere." While others do not follow or support these statements, and continue on in life and conversation, these will pop up from time to time. While I always appreciate good advice, I always dislike the policing of behavior that I see from time to time. I know it is not just me, and I think it might root back to how much our behavior was policed as a Witnesses to act and do certain things the way they saw fit. In any case, I have often found now that when people do this, I either ignore them and do not respond or simply tell them I disagree and never asked for that kind of response from them in the first place.
How do you feel about this, as an adult, do you like having your behavior policed by people who disagree with your choices or comments?