How many of u guys are sorta in btween right now, like me? Just curious... come across lotta things lately that make me not so convinced bout wut I been taught to blieve my whole life :|
Just Curious
by StifflersErSlayersBrother 13 Replies latest jw friends
I was there about 4 years ago. I took my time, didn't make any rash decisions, kept my mouth shut and did a lot of reading on my own. Then one day I made up my mind, announced my decision (to my thoroughly shcoked and UNHAPPY family) and never went to another meeting again. Heh 100% attendance til the last meeting I ever went to. Take your time, do research. No pressure. Everyone has to make their own decisions.
Welcome to the board little brother. Just keep an open mind. There are a lot of great people here with good info. I'm proud of you. You're showing courage just by thinking for yourself. Stick around and learn something.
Hi StifflersEr,
Welcome to the DB ! There are plenty of people here who are at the same crossroad you are at. I think Naeblis gave you good advice. Take your time and get informed by reading all you can. You can even find a lot of information on religions and cults in your local public library. Only you can make your decisions. Don't let others make them for you because you'll end up a very bitter, unhappy person if you do.
hey, you actually will admit to being related to Slayer?
somebody -
hehe, Thanks fo the advice. Yes i do claim him.... Someone in our family has to, lol.
you'll make it.
P.S. I'm glad you're posting here.
Well, it's good to see such brotherly love here.
Welcome, Stifflers.
All kinds of subjects, threads, personalities. If you don't like or not interested in a subject, just click out and find another. Always something to catch your interest.
I'm near Columbia, SC, do you live near your brother?
Well, as soon as you start doubting you will start receiving huge cash offers and free cars from satan. It's pretty cool. Just the other day lucifer gave me a convertible jaguar.
lol, dude, that rules. I need tha dough right bout now... Maybe i could ask one of the governing body for a refund on my last years contribs.... oh wait, i didnt make any
Welcome to the board! Satan got me cheap a warm bud light and a corndog. I wonder if I can renegotiate my contract.