Toasting AuldSoul

by jst2laws 83 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    Oops! Missed the news. Hubby and I were at the movies last night. I'm hijacking my favorite cheers.

    well done, brother, you did the right thing. Now don't forget "Freedom means not having to wear a tie."

    I can see how the WTS is creating a brain drain in its midst. Dumbing down from every direction.

    ..and an even Older Soul Quote, all the way back on December 4, 2004:

    Hopefully someone here can help me figure out where the bitching about a past you never even wanted stops and where the Great Enlightenment starts.

    I think we helped you along, eh mate?

  • sf

    Freedom's just another word for: nothing left to lose.

    You are a winner now.

    My virtual gift, to you, with love...


    Sincerely, sKally...incidently Auld, I just received my Journal of C and S in the mail! That sucker is huge.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    auld, wow man! congrats. damn. i am really happy for you!


  • Enigma One
    Enigma One

    AuldSoul.....You've just been DuckFarted....what are you going to do now????


    Whoooo hooooo!


  • jst2laws


    ..and an even Older Soul Quote, all the way back on December 4, 2004:
    Hopefully someone here can help me figure out where the bitching about a past you never even wanted stops and where the Great Enlightenment starts.

    I think we helped you along, eh mate?

    WOW, whoever that was, I'll bet he's embarrassed.


    Good one. LOL


  • AuldSoul

    (((Mysterious))) Thanks, and it is a milestone! That date, December 22, 2005, will be rememberd as one of the most important dates in my life.

    (((JAVA))) Thanks, man. But...what gives you the idea I'm doing the thinking now. I am married y'know...She does the thinki-...maybe I better stop there before I am pelted by kls...

    (((Ian))) Thank you, sir. Freedom is grand. I woke up this morning refreshed and energetic, ready to face a new life. Slept GREAT last night.

    (((luna2))) true. Very true.

    (((blondie an Irreverent))) You are correct, no front pew sitter am I. Since I haven't been to meetings for a year, I didn't see a need to break the habit.

    Thanks, (((TopHat)))


    (((GoldMiner))) Thanks! (She is well taken care of)

    (((DanTheMan))) Next time I am in town we have to go see the Bucks play.

    (((Listener))) call anytime. My wife changed in one evening, she now realizes I have no one to tell on her about anything she does...she has started cussing occasionally...this has to be good, right?

    (((gumbasturd))) I'm glad I'm here, too!

    (((carla))) Cheers!

    Aw, (((crumpet))) thanks. She hasn't taken the step yet, but I will start a thread for her when she does...hoping.

    (((greendawn))) Thanks, and you can say that two times!

    (((jourles))) now you're scaring me...I haven't gone through hazing yet?

    (((rebel8))) Thanks! (((rebel8))) <--- how about two?

    (((jgnat))) well I hope that cad got straightened out eventually, whoever it was...the very nerve .

    (((sKally))) Thanks for the "Bobby McGee" line, I have been singing that single line a lot lately [cue twilight zone music] and I laughed out loud when I saw you posted it. And I will have to try that cologne. I can hardly wait to get my J of C&S, mine will be late because I ordered a reprint for duplication, too.

    (((tetrapod.sapien))) I was wondering if you'd pop in. Thanks, TS. Now, I have to find my way up there for some reason because there are so many things I've never done and you Canadians are a bit more lax about many of them...but I won't inhale .

    (((Enigma One))) Thanks man! I'll hold off on DisneyLand until after I've won my first tort suit . Yeah, I know. You probably figure I may make it DisneyLand by 2043.

    (((Steve))) I already hugged you, but I may as well do it again. Oh, and about your remark to jgnat—I bet he's not...even if he should be .


  • Legolas
  • AuldSoul

    Aw, (((Legolas))) that's the prettiest so far. Thanks. I was afraid you were mad at me.

  • Legolas
    I was afraid you were mad at me.

    Mad at you...Never!

    I was just not around much lately.

    I don't want to start posting and having fun and then run out with only my 25 post's, WHICH I still don't know why I was limited!

    I wish you and your family the best over the hoildays!

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Congratulations Auld Soul, and welcome to true freedom

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