This could my last post for a little while.........

by DavidChristopher 30 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ballistic

    We complain about our high taxes here in England but our doctors are free. Sheesh 200,000 dollars on a medical problem? I'm going to stop complaining.

  • Enigma One
    Enigma One

    Ok? I think? Maybe?

    Sorry couldn't follow your post...kinda "murky".

  • DavidChristopher

    Could you explain what you mean by "murky" I hope I haven't offended you. Nice build too, can't wait till I can get back to banging some wieghts around again, I really miss the rush I used to get doing drop sets with a curl bar....

  • avishai

    Sounds like you are passionate about finding help for your son. There is behavioral therapy that is fairly effective, and like you said, alot of doctors these days are glorified drug pushers. I had one kid that i worked with that was overmedicated. He was acting paranoid, not sleeping, hallucinating, etc.

    Well, i looked at his meds, and lo and behold, he was on THREE TIMES the MAXIMUM ADULT DOSE of ritalin. That was one whole days worth for a grown man in the am, another in the afternoon, and another at night. Nice, huh? Always trust your instincts, second opinions are a good thing.

  • avishai

    Oh, and I'd REALLY dig seeing some pics of your cars. I like suicide door lincolns from the 60's mesself, have owned several, but Mopars are a close second....

  • caligirl

    My 9 year old was diagnosed with ADHD at 7. He has settled considerably and seems to be more inattentive type than hyperactive. His kindergarten teacher wanted him medicated at 5 because he didn't sit still in his chair in her class. Some kids just are not developmentally ready to sit at that age. Our pediatrician was unwilling to even diagnose him with ADHD until and unless it affected the quality of his school work, (which towards the end of first grade, it started to) and several months of evaluation forms filled out weekly at home and by his teacher. We did try the medication, but it really made little difference, and not enough to justify keeping him on it in the end.

    The medication can be helpful to some kids, but it is most definitely NOT a cure all, and never replaces working with the child on a personal level to achieve despite the difficulties. Most children with ADHD are of above average intelligence and just learn differently than kids that don't have the attention challenge.

  • Enigma One
    Enigma One

    I guess I have no idea what your posts had to do with your possible last post? And false alarm? Whiile I am sympathetic to your plight of day to day frustrations....what does this have to do with the topic of the thread....I'm confused. I know you've been having a bad day and I'm sorry to hear that, why would that make you leave JWD?

  • DavidChristopher

    I have a 92 gt, 89 LX turbo(frankenstang as my buddies call it.) 88 LX turbo, a 92 ranger ex cab 5.0, and a 97 CBR 600. All but the bike are in need of my attention but I have to do a few more important things first. I wish I could send pics, but I am on dial up, and don't know how to post them on here. I still have alot to learn about home computers, but I have a few friends who are really good and will teach me real soon. so don't run off ok. I could email one though PM if you like..

    Quintin is having problems at school in Kindergarden. Dee Dee is adament about keeping him on the meds, and being as I have been more concerned with his future lately, I have been a absent father in his past and present, So I really feel I have no right to demand anything, however bad I want to. My little rebel, is just like me, I was adhd, living in hospitals, on dexidrene, ridaline, etc. my mother took me off real quick, and just took it doing her best to guide me. Problem is Quintin has more resolve than she does, and I fear is smarter. She is heavy on pain medicine for her permanant back problems. I cannot relate to her pain either. But she cannot control him and is scared of him even. Problem is, I don't think i can do it without her support, all my work would go out the window soon as they are alone together. What can I do? I know he is getting what he wants: "attention" be it good or bad, or he would not continue with his fits if it didn't work. you know I wonder about the name "attention deficet disorder" could the cause be both parents having to work all the time to keep a roof over his head? How can he get any attention like that? It is strange that it is growing more widespread as prices go up on everything. (The people at the very top's greed?) Dee Dee still works at her brother's pizza store to keep our bills paid and the heat on, with me now just doing little side jobs here and there to bring in a little something for a space cushion. I may have to hunt this "cause" down, verify it, and destroy it, versus taking on this little "result" of mine, he has got me bound and gagged. That will require me being a absent parent again for a little while longer, BUT by doing so, alot of other little rebel children would be helped as well and can play with him someday. By the way does anyone what 100 mg of Seroquel is? that is what they upped it to today. Can I get a translation on that? Let me know where he stands in their eyes. Much love guys.

  • DavidChristopher

    I didn't leave willingly, I was ejected for asking questions. I was trying to share with them some interesting things I found. I knew from that day forward I never wanted to be like that, and I knew what was up for real. then came finding proof, a eight year search, now the "battle" is getting ready to start. I still love them though, my mother, aunt, and a cousin, and alot of really good friends are still in there, still faithful "sheep" to the "organization". As I have had no success in trying to convince them to open their minds (at the "result" level) and ask a few questions....again, bound and gagged by the "results" of the "organization's" greed and lust for power. Time to verify, and take the fight to the "cause". And "friends" and "brothers" like you who were only too helpful and eager to aid in my search. And most importantly, Our Father in heaven and the one he sent to us Jesus Christ. May All the power and glory be His forever.

    when this is "over" and if I get to see Him I just want to say "thanks Dad!!" I may even invent my own word to describe a number over a trillion to try to get across how much I appreciate all He done for us, and given us.

  • ballistic

    It's called a "zillion".

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