On another thread I was responding to Sentient and realized that what I was writing is what I truly feel so many who come out don't look at from a practical standpoint. The individuals in the organization are not typically the biggest problem, it is the organization itself. They call it an "organization" to hide its true face; it is a Corporation. Corporations are unfeeling and self-interested beasts.
This one is rabid. What would be your motive if you saw the need to kill it? Wouldn't that depend on what it had done?
For instance, if it killed one of your relatives you may be very angry at it. You might rationally see that it had to die, but you might vindictively want to be the one to do it as well.
But what if it hadn't harmed you much personally? What if the effects haven't been that bad on your family? It is still a rabid beast and it still hurts others. It will not stop until it is dead.
So, there may be some here who want to kill it because it damaged them or their families. But they also want to kill it so it doesn't have a chance to damage anyone else.
If you knew there was a rabid animal loose, whether you had been affected or not, would you warn others against getting near the animal? Would you arm them with as complete a description as possible for the marking and behaviors of the animal, so they could accurately identify it? Would you make yourself ready to take advantage of any opportunity that presents itself to bring the beast down, or even cripple it for the deathblow?
Well, that is how I see this organization. A rabid animal, and there is work needs doin'. This beast can't have my family. And It can't have my friends. It is damnably hard to be loyal to an organization that no longer exists.