Merry Christmas Everyone! and thanks for always answering my numerous and sometimes repetitive questions. carla
Merry Christmas Everyone!
by carla 11 Replies latest jw friends
Merrrrr-ry Christmas, Carla! I am in such a festive mood, anyone wanna help roast some swine for the occasion?
Merry Christmas Carla, for how many years did you not celebrate xmas because of the JWs?
Merry Christmas Carla and may next year our wishes come true
Merry Christmas everyone ,have fun and be safe
Thank you my fellow ubm KLS, and now Auld soul too! Hi, Greendawn. I have always celebrated Christmas, it is only within the past two years or so that husband will not. What a shame too! He used to be like a little kid at Christmas! Begging to open gifts on Christmas Eve even though traditionally we opened them on Christmas morning. Every year the same thing, 'let's open some up tonight'. Me & kids continue on as usual as best we can. Time to play Santa even though kids are too old for it. Traditions you know, presents can't go out until everybody is in bed!
I wish you all the same I wish for myself, for our loved ones to leave the wt. Lacking that, Have a merry one anyway. I plan to, come hell or high water!
Merry Christmas to you too Carla.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Merry Christmas Carla. Hope yours is a comfortable one. We've got a tree up and it's the first one in about 6 years. Kinda' nice.
Cheers and Merry Christmas All.
Merry Christmas everyone
That's the first time I've said that since 1980!
And a Happy Winter Solstice.