I was in a congregation in California at one time growing up, and there was this weird thing that happened. This woman in the congregation started saying she had multi-personalities. Basically, she had names for all these people living in her mind and she would change into them at time. It was not so weird that she had this disorder, as it is a real disorder, it was that it seemed to be catchy. As within a six month period, no less then twelve other woman in the congregation said they had this disorder too. It was a real example of jumping on the band-wagon. The elders had there hand full, as we all know psychologist visits are not looked to very highly. So they were trying to sit in, and one admitted to me that the elders felt it was a form of demon possession. Who needs all those years of medical training, when you can have the local gardener telling you it is all demons! Anyway, it was just crazy. Woman were saying this all over the place, within a short time my friendships tripled and yet the amount of people at the gettogethers were the same.
Was this a cry for attention, or do you think this rare disorder was really common in the local Kingdom Hall?