This year since I started doing my research into the JW religion, I experienced something that made me a little confused, it was truly a beautiful experience being enveloped in love and just feeling like you are very in tune with your spiritual self, Jehovah and Christ, but as I continued my research I discovered it was only an emotional reaction, triggered by my mind and how I felt about the things I was reading in the bible. As my research moved forward and I began researching the actual bible I came to realize that the New Testament was put together by people pushing a political agenda to unite and empower the Roman Government.
I came to understand that books like Matthew, John, and others in the NT were anonymous works, given these names by the Priests that put it together. The same goes for the Old Testament, Moses did not write the books of Genesis, Exodus, Deuteronomy and Job as they would have us believe, I researched as most here have heard before, Ancient civilizations like the Sumerians who wrote things that later were adopted by the Hebrews and put into the book of Job, the Noah story the Proverbs, I was truly disgusted, although everyone back then did this, they all adopted each others myths, gods and such and just renamed them and changed them aroung a bit.
So no I don't believe anyone is annointed, some people are just more in tune with their spiritual side, others suffer from Dementia or Schizofrenia and confuse the symptoms with being annointed, but hey, everyone is free to think whatever they like, I for one have been freed from believing the stories and myths from some ancient book that has caused the death of countless people and stopped so many from reaching their full potential. I believe in God the Creator and my bible is the Creation around me, it cannot lie or be misinterpreted, or mistranslated or used to push an agenda, I see it as a living testament to the Creator.