It seems quiet on the board -could it be is everybody enjoying pagan festivities and getting a life?
seems quiet - is everybody enjoying pagan festivities?
by stillajwexelder 20 Replies latest jw friends
I'm still here.
Well what do you know, it's beer and chip time.
Cheers Stilla !!!!
I'm here. Enjoying a pagan beer. Hey wait.....(leaves to go pick up guitar)
I'm here, trying to get over stomach flu.
I'm here - didn't have such a bad day after all and got some lovely presents. But its good to be in bed. I'm actually quite amazed that I didn't get drunk at all over christmas. That has to be a first! Maybe its a new beginning!
I'm here. I woke up real sick this morning, feels like the flu, so I'm not going anywhere today.
This is the season where the Mrs and I catch on some movies. The good movies we see on the big screen, the not so-so ones on video.
I have my wood-burning stove on.
Golf -
Benjamin Belial
Nope. I've stuck with my plans of eating bland food and sitting on the internet. I didn't succeed with my not eating till midnight plan though.
It has been raining all day. We opened gifts, watched a movie, ate dinner and now we are watching football. I am feeling a bit down as my husband is leaving tomorrow to visit his parents without me for a whole week. I got a new job and couldn't take the time off.
no are you?