Hi everyone, I don't know if anyone can help me. I have a boyfriend of four years who is a Jehovah's witness. I had no idea what it was when i met him. His parents recently got divorced and he is living with his mom who is Jehovah. Untill recently he hasn't really been going to meetings and last year he even had christmas with my family. I have only really met his dad after the divorce and his mom will have nothing to do with me. I haven't met any other family and that bothers me as he has met most of mine. This year we have talked and talked about christmas and i think he's not happy i got him a gift. He's always taken it in years past and just said i didn't have to get him anything. I am afraid for our future together. We both love each other but we don't have anything close to a normal relationship. Am i wasting my time or will he become more compromising with me after he is away from his mom? I'm not too sure how involved he actually is, he was asked to commit and he said no. Also, when he was 17 or so he got caught having sex with another JW. I would appreciate any advice or information and would love to hear about your own experiences. You can email me at [email protected] or im me on aol (LittleStar1157). Thanks for listening.
Struggling in a relationship with a JW
by Star1107 23 Replies latest social relationships
Relationships with JW who are no longer active in their religion or actual active JW are a test of any sensible person's patience. After seeing the stuff my son who is now disfellowshipped did to his girlfriend of 2 years I'd say run like crazy. There is no way to have a normal relationship with your Boyfriend unless he has come to see that the JW religion is a cult and is pure nonsense. And I can tell from what you say about him that he still thinks JW teach the truth of the bible. So if you want to save your sanity dump him, he is going to make you miserable if he hasn't already.
JW's teach that people who are not JW's are affected by demons and the Devil and are trying to get them to leave their precious religion. They feel Christmas is evil and thus his feelings of not wanting to take a present from you. He sounds like he has wavered at times but has returned to being a JW, thus the reason you will never get to meet his family. It is possible his Dad is disfellowshipped or shunned by JW's. His family will not like you because if they are active JW's they view you as a worldly person and condemned to be destroyed at Armaggedon. This being said it only gets worse. Sorry to give you the bad news.
Double Edge
Hi Star, and WELCOME! The forum is really slow today because of the holiday. I've never been a dub, so I really don't get into these discussions, however, there is a "BEST OF" site on this board. Check this link out, and then click the postings that are of interest to you:
keep checking back here, as others will come on line to give you their imput.... take care !!
Welcome Star1107!!!
If you will take a few days and browse this site you will discover some interesting facts about Jehovah's Witnesses and their love for others. You will also discover some facts about the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society that they would rather not be discussed or disclosed to the public. But most importantly, you will discover that the Bible and the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society are at extreme odds with one another. Only one of them is correct and true and the other is full of lies and deceptions. It is up to you to research and decide for yourself which one is true and which one is not.
" and he is living with his mom who is Jehovah"--I think your boyfriends name is Jesus!
But seriously,the tenor of your post gives me a bad vibe.Dysfunctional families are pretty thick on the ground in JWdom,especially if there is disfellowshipping and shunning going on.Your BF family sound like they might fit that mould.Stop here a while and take things very slowly.I hope things work out for you both but be prepared to run.Pete -
shark attack
Relationships with JWs can be very prickly and unstable due to the extremist positions incalcated by their religion, non JWs (worldly people) are demonised and contact with them is discouraged, and if one vacillates between the two sides it's even more confusing.
he is living with his mom who is Jehovah
lol - now that must be.... interesting.
you need to read these posts and really find out all you can about jws. It is a jehovah witness, the people in the cult are witnesses. my daughter used to call my friend jehovan! Anyway, it is going to be very tough for you because it will probably only get more stressful and if you happen to marry, you will be strongly advised to follow their beliefs then probably get caught up in it.I would say RUN WHILE YOU CAN, unless he is happens to get out of it, show him the information found here and the real facts about jws, including the sexual and mental abuse, and education issues,WT involvement with government, letting children and loved ones die because of life saving blood and on and on ; this is very serious and do not involve yourself any deeper without knowing all you can about this controlling cult. GOOD LUCK