Did Jehovah know that Jesus was going to die before he sent him to earth or is that just the way events unfolded. It sounds a bit mad sending your only begotten Son to earth as a perfect baby knowing that later in life he would be nailed and toutured on a stake because Jehovahs's principles of justice requires a soul for a soul
Jesus death
by lime05 15 Replies latest jw friends
Did Jehovah know that Jesus was going to die before he sent him to earth or is that just the way events unfolded
Well, according to the N.T. he did. He said the Saints were chosen before "the founding of the world". When Adam ans Eve first sinned, god supposedly made arrangments for a Ransom.
In Witness theology, Gen 3:15 testifies his son would lose his life but would regain it to crush the serpents head in time.
The real question is......did god KNOW man would sin BEFORE he sinned? If he did......he's a sick puppy.
He certainly knew since "the lamb was slaughtered since the founding of the world", tough as this may seem, the Lamb gave his life and received it back and we should focus on the immense reward he got. A sacrifice that certainly wasn't in vain.
Let's face the fact that we don't KNOW anything about God or his thinking. All we have to look at is the bible and it is so confusing that there are thousands of explainations of what this or that scripture really means and a lot of inconsistences with what really happened, like the flood account which couldn't have been factual. Why does everything have to be invisible to us humans now and no messages from God in thousands of years. I have given up trying to understand the universe and it's reason for being.
Ken P.
Me too.
Why does everything have to be invisible to us humans now and no messages from God in thousands of years.
Very good question. Maybe because their isnt a God and the whole thing was just created by the human imagination to control mass populations and gain power.
In response to the many posts: I don't know why you would consider God crazy for creating man knowing he would sin. The greatest thing in the world is LOVE. That is why he created us. That's like saying, if you knew your children were going to rebel against you, would you not have them? That's ridiculous. You have children to love and to be loved. This is the reason God created the world and man, because it was good and so that he could love and be loved in return. Of course he knew we would rebel. But it was only another opportunity to express his love for us. By sending down Christ, the Son of God, God incarnate to be humiliated, betrayed and suffer so that we would be seen as perfect as long as we accepted that sacrifice. Now we are allowed as imperfect humans to have a relationship with the perfect and Almight God. It is all about LOVE.
In response to the many posts: I don't know why you would consider God crazy for creating man knowing he would sin. The greatest thing in the world is LOVE. That is why he created us. That's like saying, if you knew your children were going to rebel against you, would you not have them? That's ridiculous. You have children to love and to be loved. This is the reason God created the world and man, because it was good and so that he could love and be loved in return. Of course he knew we would rebel. But it was only another opportunity to express his love for us. By sending down Christ, the Son of God, God incarnate to be humiliated, betrayed and suffer so that we would be seen as perfect as long as we accepted that sacrifice. Now we are allowed as imperfect humans to have a relationship with the perfect and Almight God. It is all about LOVE.
But if Adam and Eve had obeyed Jehovahs law there would have been no suffering to mar human life. Why did Jehovah make 'this law' if he knew his creation mankind would sin.
Benjamin Belial
That's like saying, if you knew your children were going to rebel against you, would you not have them? That's ridiculous.
Not even slightly ridiculous. I can't create my children in a perfect world devoid of suffering. God could have but chose not to.
Let's face the fact that we don't KNOW anything about God or his thinking. All we have to look at is the bible and it is so confusing that there are thousands of explainations of what this or that scripture really means and a lot of inconsistences with what really happened, like the flood account which couldn't have been factual. Why does everything have to be invisible to us humans now and no messages from God in thousands of years. I have given up trying to understand the universe and it's reason for being.
Good observation. Yes, there seems to be as many differing explanations of the Bible as there people who have read it. When we seek to find truly satisfying answers outside ourselves within the multitude of changing things, it is difficult to come to peace with things. Perhaps, if attention where shifted inward into the still and un-changing sense of conscious-being, the wisdom we can not find separate from us, will be found here - silently waiting.