Dealing with a non-JW (tongue in cheek)

by kiddotan 10 Replies latest social relationships

  • kiddotan

    My other half's sister is dating a WB, (i'm a WG), She wants to know how to deal with all of us strange worldly people (she's says this with a humph). Her boyfriend, is being very male, problem is my darling JW half agreed (my turn to humph and sulk, go to the fridge and get a beer for me only).

    They haven't quite made the step to look here themselves, so they asked me to look for them, I told them they are wusses .

    Anybody have anything for me to print out for them, not too nasty about us worldly lot. We are the suckers that fell for them he he...


  • Golf
  • Golf


    When your dealing with family members its' not the same, I know, I have six brothers and five sisters.

    Why not print out the information you need from this forum and have them read it?

    Other posters will give you some suggestions, hang loose.


  • kiddotan

    Hi Golf

    Thanks, have printed lots of stuff out for them, been lurking around for the last year.

    My other half's sisters bf is here somewhere too. We have often found info to help us non-jw. Not much for the JW to deal with us mad worldly lot though.


  • jgnat

    OK, I need a little more to work with here.

    Her boyfriend, is being very male

    As in, "I wouldn't wear a tie if you promised me free beer for a year."


    "What do you MEAN we're not both invited to the JW BBQ? If you are embarrassed to show me off, then we are over!"


    "I'l chew bacca in the house if I want to."


    "We have a laundry basket? Where is it, I've never seen it."


    "A girl's place is in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant. Hand over the car keys!"

    There is plenty of bad behavior that should be dealt with, regardless. Your half sister should not be using "worldly behavior" as the excuse. If, on the other hand, he is having trouble with the exclusiveness and abusiveness of JW relationships (can't go here, EEK hide in the closet, must go there), he has a legitimate beef. Your half sister has to understand that her JW relationships are ABNORMAL and should not be TOLERATED.

    Some people are mean about the witnesses and can be quite abusive. They don't do their homework, they just say NO WAY. If so, your half sister should treat it as plain abuse and abandon the boyfriend.

  • kiddotan

    Hi Jgnat

    My soon to be sister-in-law's boyfriend is just being a mere male as in below:

    We have a laundry basket? Where is it, I've never seen it."

    On a more serious note though he is struggling to cope with the fact he hasn't met any of her family other than my other half. Which is why I have sent him to this site. He will be lurking around here somewhere.

    While my dearly beloved's family know about me and are coping with the fact we are together and I WILL NOT study, they may not cope as well with their darling daughter being with a WB (they have 5 children, one already married to a JW, the oldest is with me).

    If, on the other hand, he is having trouble with the exclusiveness and abusiveness of JW relationships (can't go here, EEK hide in the closet, must go there), he has a legitimate beef.

    Both of us worldly pair in these relationships are very open and giving people. We have never had to hide anything in our lives (except when we had to sneak a smoke down in the back shed;).

    What our JW other half's can't cope with is, is our honesty and openness. It's like they don't know anything except how to hide the truth, not lie outright, just not say anything.

    I love your writings, thanks Jgnat.

  • jgnat

    Yes, if the problem is the second, whap your hubby upside the head with a rolled-up Watchtower. No rolled eyes for him. IT IS ABNORMAL TO SNEAK AROUND. I you and your half-sister's boyfriend can team up and make that your mantra, perhaps they will clue in that you all deserve openness and freedom. If you haven't yet, read some of Cordelia's threads. It's a wonder her boyfriend has stuck around through all her waffling.

  • Aude_Sapere

    What's a WB?


  • AuldSoul

    WB = worldly boy

    WG = worldly girl


    When you JW agrees, just slyly say he had no problems "dealing" with you last night, but if he keeps this kind of talk up you might show him what those problems could be like.

    Gets his ego relieved in front of the friends but also gives a tiny little twist of a knife, to make your feelings known.


  • kiddotan

    Hi Auldsoul

    Don't get to the computer much. Will definatly throw that in the conversation, next time I am a problem cause I am of the worldly variety.

    Thanks love it

    Jgnat will keep a rolled up watchtower handy.



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