Gumbers said: simply ask the person how they could possibly hang a sign ABOVE Jesus head if he hands were both above his head and not outstretched.
I found these little gems on the WT CD-ROM which is yet another example of how the WTS (or anyone for that matter) can interpret the scriptures any way they see fit:
gt chap. 125 Agony on the Stake: "Jesus is now
stretched out on the stake with his hands placed above his head. The soldiers then pound large nails into his hands and into his feet."
*** w65 11/15 p. 681 "Let God Be Found True" *** When, shortly after being sentenced to death, Jesus was hanging on the execution stake, with the inscription posted above his head, "This is the king of the Jews,"
*** w87 8/15 p. 29 Where Were His Legs? ***
"...We do know that his hands or arms were not simply bound, for Thomas later said: "Unless I see in his hands the print of the nails." (John 20:25) That could have meant a nail through each hand, or the plural "nails" might have reference to nail prints in ‘his hands and his feet.’ (Ya, I guess it would have to be that, seeing as the only other logical explanation is that there was a nail driven in to each of his hands as they were stretched out on the crossbeam.) We cannot know precisely where the nails pierced him, though it obviously was in the area of his hands. The Scriptural account simply does not provide exact details, nor does it need to. And if scholars who have directly examined the bones found near Jerusalem in 1968 cannot even be sure how that corpse was positioned, it certainly does not prove how Jesus was positioned."