by gda 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Go live in a country that has no functioning government. Maybe try Yemen.
No more of your BS anti-everything propaganda though. Final warning.
my apologies. this vid just reminded me of another organization. I was wondering if any one else felt the same. -
@gda are you dutch? -
Heinz 57 (a bit of everyone) -
Village Idiot
gda, Anarcho-Capitalist or Libertarian? -
Village idiot
I am a village idiot
uneducated in politics or any other higher ed for that matter. In fact I have about a 6th grade ed due to 56 years of abiding by Watchtower rules. Just announced this year my dis-association. I have no sides with anything at this point.....
Village Idiot
So you were just trying to make an analogy with the Witnesses I gather? -
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
uneducated in politics or any other higher ed for that matter. In fact I have about a 6th grade ed due to 56 years of abiding by Watchtower rules. Just announced this year my dis-association. I have no sides with anything at this point
Sorry to hear that!
If the GB had its way, every JW would leave school around grade 6 to slave for the WT cult.
The stuff you post makes you sound like a tea-party nut. Everything is a conspiracy by the government, including vaccinations. And yet you only have the ability to say the things you do and speak freely because of the protections that you enjoy due of the government.