welcome to the board by the way niecyme
What would it be like if I weren't brain washed for over 20 years?
by NiecyMe 21 Replies latest jw experiences
I was raised in the organization and left just before I turned 18. I don't have any guilty celebrating holidays, but it is always awkward because I do not have the experience with the traditions that all of my friends do. My greatest handicaps are not feeling I'm doing something wrong, but socially just not knowing what to do.
Probably the closest thing that I have to a conditioned reaction was an absolute gutrenching, sick to your stomach, hard pounding reaction to any time the national anthem was played. It of course came from spending 13 years in the school system where I was of course singled out by my peers for it. It's taken two years for the reaction to start to die. I actually look forward to occasions where the national anthem is played now, it gives me a further chance to be proud of being free.