I feel that as a country we waste so much time and money fighting prostitution and marijuana use. Not that I think these things are something everyone should use, but the fact that we make these illegal and yet other things happen that are the same thing, or worse. For example, in Nevada, outside the city limits, it is legal for Prostitution. These people pay federal and state taxes on their income. Those taxes go into the federal fund, that is used to support law enforcement, and in the rest of the 49 states they fight prostitution. So basically, money made from prostitution is used to fight it. Make sense? No. In Nevada the amount of rapes vs population is the lowest percentage in the country. Why? Well you have to wonder if those people who consider raping, went to something that was legal and left the innocent alone. Not saying that is all it is, but what two adults do together is their own choice and business. By making it illegal, is like what happened during prohibition. Legal, the government controls it and taxes it. Illegal, organized crime controls it and takes their part. Organized crime though is far more crude and dangerous. Now with Marijuana, being illegal is a joke. I don't even smoke the stuff or make a point to be in contact with it. Yet I could get some right now from at least a half dozen sources, as easy as I could go to the store and get some beer. Why not just face reality and make it legal and make some tax money off it. Plus, much like prostitution, when crime runs it, it is far more dangerous then it would be as a legal and regulated product. Again, why worry about what an adult is doing? People drink and eat themselves to death, smoke cigarettes, yet the only regulation to stop that is the eighteen or twenty-one age limit. Basically, I just think there should both be legal and we would make more tax money and stop wasting so much fighting something that is not really being stopped anyway. What a waste of money!
Prostitution and Marijuana
by free2beme 32 Replies latest jw friends
I'm all for prostitution being legalized but I'm afraid I must disagree with you on the legalization of marijuana.
I'm 58 years old and have lived in many of the United States. Along with living in those states I was, shall we say, an observing participant in the enchantment and disenchantment of individual's experiencing various degrees of quality of marijuana. ( I really don't think now is the time to give you my opinion on the various grades ). Soooooo . . . to get to the point, I must say that I don't think that MJ should be legalized.
Bottom line . . .that shit is just too quick ( and besides, we have way too many people all over the world without any sense of direction as it is! )
HOWEVER, it must be decriminalized !
Legalizing prostitution isnt going to help the rape issues. Different beast. It would give the prostitutes a great deal of protection, and even some decent health care.I used to be only for medical marijuana. I still mostly am. I'm beginning to lean toward full legalization. SativEx (a nasal spray of cannibinoids) in Canada is extremely expensive. About 5x the street price for decent bud, for comparable doses. The sin tax could help the state's and fed's coffers. It would halt crime associated with the drug. And those who need and use it medicinally would greatly benefit from no longer having the Feds looking over their shoulders. Edited to add it would free up the legal and jail system too.
I'm going to speak my piece here on these issues because I have strong feelings on at least one of these issues. As far as prostitution goes, I don't agree with because of my moral and spiritual beliefs. But if two adults make an agreement with one another to have sex for money should be their own choice. Think about this.
A guy takes a woman out on a date, he buys dinner, the movie ticket or flowers. So he spends money, the same money that a man or woman gives to a prostitute. What the hell is the difference really ? And I think it is unthinkable that the governments use monies from such activities to arrest such individuals for doing so. But then the governments have shown their own hypocracy and even more so recently.
As far a marijuana goes, for one, there are way to many people in our prison system costing tax payers millions of dollars to house and feed these people. A person can go to jail or prison for a little amount of pot but yet it takes several times of DUI's before a person goes to prison.
Now the government makes a pill from pot and charges a tax for it for people to use but then the pill has many more additives in them that can be unhealthy in other ways. Look at the health warnings on all your prescriptions. There are side affects in most of your prescription pills.
I believe in the bible and the scriptures say in Gen. 2: 1 God tells Adam to make use of all seed bearing plants. Evidently plants were created for there purpose. In raw form these plants and trees are healthy without any side affects as long as you use them wisely.
Here in California we have a medicinal use law that allows an individual under a doctors ok to grow and use pot for there own medical need. I have never heard of pot being the reason for someone going off the wall in violence or driving crazy or dangerously. Booze on the other hand is a different story but you can buy it legally and you pay a tax for it. That is why it is legal because of the tax created from booze.
I watched a program on television awhile back and it was on marijuana and the laws in Canada. It was said by law officials that they did not prosecute for pot users because it cost too much when they needed to work on more serious crimes and leave those who use pot alone as they are rarely involved in violent crimes. I think the government wants to legalize the use of pot because of the tax money it could generate. Many, many people use it at all age levels, I know a few 60 year olds who use it. I agree it should also just as ciggarettes are can only be purchased if you are 21 or older. I certainly do not think that pot makes you dumb, it might make you a little lazy or forget things sometimes but not dumb.
I believe that if people are growing their own and smoking their own then they are not out doing things illegal in order to get some for their own, if you know what I mean.
Well that's my piece and if it's way to far over to some peoples heads, well smoke some yourself and then maybe you can understand where I am at.....LOL
decriminalization is the way to go IMHO
Wow. These are two diverse topics!
Prostitution is not just a business. It envolves degradation of the woman in most cases. There is enough research. The amount of it that is done to pay for a heavy drug habit to numb the woman from the horror of it is astonishing. Whether it begins with drug use or ends up with it. Our society has turned sex into some kind of mechanical act that supposedly doesn't affect the emotional health of the people involved. So to legalize it & make it even more "acceptable" is just to ignore what it truly is & does.A society has to decide what will break it down & destroy it & make it illegal.
Marijuana on the other hand, as a mild intoxicant, & as a medical help is another story all together. You just don't hear stories of people getting high on pot & threatening to kick someones butt! It does not medically have the repercussions of tobacco on the lungs. The fact that it is in the hands of the "pushers" makes access to it also access to hard, deleterious drugs by making the purchaser deal with the pusher who is trying to enlarge his product base. To keep people suffering &/or dying from cancer from an herb that would alleviate their suffering is unconscienceable.
My 2 cents.
Prostitution is not just a business. It envolves degradation of the woman in most cases. There is enough research. The amount of it that is done to pay for a heavy drug habit to numb the woman from the horror of it is astonishing. Whether it begins with drug use or ends up with it. Our society has turned sex into some kind of mechanical act that supposedly doesn't affect the emotional health of the people involved. So to legalize it & make it even more "acceptable" is just to ignore what it truly is & does.A society has to decide what will break it down & destroy it & make it illegal.
I do think the modern view of prostitution, and the illegal factor, creates the darker view and reality you expressed. If legal, it could become a regulated industry and even have health benefits, like other employers. The legal brothels in Nevada are often very well organized and the woman make in many cases, a lot of money, even with the houses take. The hookers on the street are not a good example of what I mean, as they are often young woman that are pimped into something for drug addictions or because they are homeless. Because it is illegal, there is little hope of seeing things getting better in that example. By the way, a high price call girl in Las Vegas can my well into a six figure income each year. She might be making the sex act more like a machine, but even stripper do that and they can make money that is pretty good too. The strippers pay taxes though.
Ah it's great reading all opinions...Here's mine
I had a friend for a number of years who was a sex worker. She didn't need drugs to work and she had invested the money in real estate.
Actually she enjoyed the sex! Oh and her customers weren't just men. A very powerful woman who had a plan.....
I live in pot central and am surrounded by smokers( no I don't smoke anything). Decriminalise, yes. Legalise, no.
I work with teenagers and in my experience, pot can bring on schizophrenia and paranoid delusions.
Also, in this country most people smoke pot with tobacco, so it burns smoother, better. Lunging tobacco and hydro, healthy??
When kids start hacking up shit from their lungs I say. Got a bad case of bongcitis have we?
pot can bring on schizophrenia and paranoid delusions
I smoked pot when I was a teenager and I don't remember any delusions. Now the LSD and the mescaline, mushrooms wow, more than delusions. It was more like an allusion man ya know what I mean ? Peace, far out man.........
I work with teenagers and in my experience, pot can bring on schizophrenia and paranoid delusions.
This is now medically documented in a new book released by JAMA. MJ should not be smoked by children and teens.
MJ does not need to be burned to get the benefits. There are products called vaporizers that heat the herb to temperature below igition releasing 5 cannibinoids withought releasing carbon monoxide, tar, and the 100+ bad chemicals that burning releases. Pills don't work - onset is too long. mouth spray has been determined to be more effective in controlling the dose.
I'm in Oregon and so far we have some of the more liberal law on Medical Marijuana (MMJ).
Prostitution: Legalization would protect children from exploitation. There are pleanty of male prostitutes out there these days too.