Does anyone have any experience or knowledge of Biblical Unitarians? I've looked at their website and was surprised at how many beliefs they have in common with JWs. They seem to be kind of like Bible students without the wacky pyramid stuff and the dates.
Biblical Unitarians?
by serendipity 10 Replies latest jw friends
Nope. My experience & reading of Unitarians is the conclusion of wondering why they bother...(don't mean to be harsh, just giving you my opinion.)
Hi sheepish,
I'd be interested in knowing why you thought "why bother".
They are nothing like Bible Students. The BU site is run by CES (Christian Educational Services) an offshoot of THE WAY INTERNATIONAL. Although their leadership deny this, all of their leaders(dirctors) have been high ranking members of teh Way, who split off after the death of Victor Paul Wierville, and the new leadership began to make changes.
Information on The Way can be found here.
Information on CES can be found here.
There is a popular website that has advertsies on many forums including here and e-bay. This group is called "Biblical Unitarians" I believe that they are associated with "Christian Educational Services"
I believe that there are several problems with the beliefs of this group.
Not only do they deny that Jesus existed as God (Micah 5:2) before he was born to Mary, but they deny that he personally "existed" at all in any form before being born to Mary. Even the Watchtower admits that Jesus pre-existed his being born to mary (though they believe that He was an angel.)
The following is from the "Biblical Unitarians" site:
"There is no question that Jesus figuratively “existed” in Abraham’s time. However, he did not actually physically exist as a person; rather he “existed” in the mind of God as God’s plan for the redemption of man."
Hi sheepish,
I'd be interested in knowing why you thought "why bother".
Well, the Bible is pretty specific on some things. If you don't believe them to be true & endeavor to follow them, then "why bother" to mess with the book at all? Make up your own book... It's like saying Jesus was just a good man with insightful ideas. Bull S**t! Either he was who he said he was, or he was the biggest liar on earth!
Golden Girl
When I first encountered the JW's (1958) they sometimes referred to their religion as "The Way". Hummmmmm?
And of course "The Truth"...
The first thing I remember is my soon to be hubby said his Mother told him to tell me they didn't celebrate Christmas. She said I would run the other way. I didn't. We later married and stayed married for over 40 years before he passed away...I don't think she ever forgave me for not running away....
drew sagan
I've looked into the unitarians. I see that "Biblical Unitarians" are probably differant that the regular Unitarians that basically say you can believe in anything you want.
As a former Watchtower believer other "Bible' groups don't interest me. I like to hold on to my own opinion and conclusion and not be baby fed spoonfuls of somebody elses stuff. The Unitarians seem to be another fringe group that can be added to the list of things i'm staying away from. -
Thanks for the comments! Anyone else?
No I never looked in to them...I think I am done with religion!