Why would a current JW choose to be rude and offensive?

by AlmostAtheist 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • icare4u

    Dave it apparently bothers you about this person. My 2 cents for you would be...........set the example.

  • blondie

    I went back and read AA's first post, I do believe he is setting a good example and the "brother" in question is not.


  • AlmostAtheist
    Dave it apparently bothers you about this person.

    I can see how a person would get that impression, but it's not quite on target. This person's insults mean nothing to me. Anomalies bother me.

    1. I'm a Bible trained Christian
    2. I think it's important that you listen to me
    3. I will speak in a way that the Bible forbids and that never, ever causes anyone to listen to me

    I really and truly would like to understand how a person carries those three thoughts in their head at the same time. That third one just doesn't fit.

    I think we've hit on much of it, but I suspect there is something else that ties it all together that we haven't hit yet. Wonder what it is...


  • 2112

    Think back and see if you noticed this. Are there not a large number of introverted, nerds in the WT? A lot of people that in the real world are just targets themselves? And are there not a large number of bullies or at least want to be bullies? This religion gives both groups the excuse to be arrogant, selfrightous asses.

  • M.J.

    A paraphrase of one of the cult characteristics from Releasing the Bonds,

    Elitist mentality: Members are made to feel part of an elite corps of mankind. This feeling of being special, of participating in the most important acts of human history with a vanguard of committed believers, is strong emotional glue to keep people sacrificing and working hard. As a community, they feel they have been chosen by God to lead mankind out of darkness into a new age of enlightenment. Cult members have a great sense not only of mission but of their special place in history—they will be recognized for their greatness for generations to come. In the Moonies we were told that monuments and historical markers would someday be erected to commemorate us and our sacrifices. Ironically, members of cults look down on anyone involved in any other cult groups. They are very quick to acknowledge that “Those people are in a cult” or “they are the ones who are brainwashed.” They are unable to step out of their own situations and look at themselves objectively. This feeling of elitism and destiny, however, carries a heavy burden of responsibility. Members are told that if they do not fully perform their duties, they are failing all of mankind…The rank-and-file member is humble before superiors and potential recruits, but arrogant to outsiders. Almost all members are told when being recruited that they too will become leaders one day. However, advancement will be achieved only by outstanding performance or by appointment…they consider themselves better, more knowledgeable, and more powerful than anyone else in the world. As a result, cult members oftem feel more responsible than they have ever felt in their lives. They walk around feeling as though the world is on their shoulders.

  • trevor


    People will often act like the person they most admire. If they admire the god of the Bible then they will show the same temper tantrums, intolerance and offensive behaviour that Jehovah demonstrates. Hence the behaviour of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    It does not surprise me that you are almost atheist, when God has been represented in such an appalling way. The true reality of the source of life is very different.

  • M.J.

    I've often observed that the WTS fosters arrogance in the worst way--it's not so much personal arrogance as much as group arrogance. When a person speaks as a member of the group, the group's arrogance is transferred to that person. The key is getting the person to think and speak as an individual. Someone mentioned the example of the Pharisees. Think of this: among other Pharisees, Pharisees were pretty humble. Think Nicodemus sneaking around at night. But to "outsiders" they were the most arrogant SOBs around. There's a good model of the WTS and it's followers.

  • icare4u

    People will often act like the person they most admire. If they admire the god of the Bible then they will show the same temper tantrums, intolerance and offensive behaviour that Jehovah demonstrates. Hence the behaviour of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    I must disagree. Jehovah is not like that at all. It is true that children imate the behavior of their parents. Some even rebel against there parental training. When some act in such a way as your are speaking about they are going against there heavenly Father.

  • Abaddon

    Remarkable - well, they must mass produce people like that in Brooklyn, as I have had similar experiences recently in PM.

    The anger comes from people knowing they are living a lie (how could they not when we tell 'em and they never disprove a thing we tell 'em?), but being psychologically incapable of dealing with the massive changes acting on this information would require.

    This causes huge internal tension; they can't withdraw from debate or admit they are wrong as this undermines what belief they have left (after all, they are knowingly mixing with x-JW's so there has to be some underlying issue).

    So their backs get against the wall and they lash-out, get locked into circular debates where the questions they have not answered satisfactorily get more and more numerous, and evasion and anger dominate their discourse. It distracts them from how horrible they feel inside and from how pathetic their beliefs are under scutiny.

  • jgnat

    I think you and TD are getting close to the heart of the matter.

    Doesn't all prejudice have at its heart the belief that the target is just an object and not a person?

    A particularly bad habit amongst the JW's in this neck of the woods, is calling "worldly" people they dislike "it". I've had to break my JW hubby from the habit, and I've heard a couple other congregation members use "it". I believe that dehumanizing people is the first step towards justifying abuse, and I will not tolerate it.

    But just like the nasty "Opposer" who eventually becomes a JW, the equally nasty and vitriolic JW can eventually be made to realize that the JW organization is not what it claims to be. Years ago on H2O there were some especially nasty JW apologists and none of them, to my knowledge are JW's today. It was irritating at the time, but looking back, it's funny now.

    I do beleive the most virulent detractors are at the edge of an abyss. We don't see a pit, we are in the swimming pool, hollering, "JUMP". They fear jumping because their entire world system is threatened by our freedom.

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