Starting a collection of the Inexplicable JW Doctrines...

by AuldSoul 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AuldSoul

    Please help me out here. I am starting a collection of JW doctrines and practices that have NO basis in the Scriptures and (preferably) that the Scriptures or secular history directly contradicts. This isn''t a thread for arguing with Scholar is he drops by. I want as comprehensive a set as possible as part of a project I am working on, so even if you aren't sure of one, please toss it in the mix. I'll research it out for basis.

    If anyone disagrees with something a poster adds, please take it up in PM so as not to clutter this thread with arguments.

    Shortlist, to start with:

    (1) The faithful and discreet slave is a class of people. The context of Matthew 24:45-47 shows that the faithful and discreet slave can become an evil slave. The evil slave is not a class, so how could the comparative faithful slave be one? Likewise, the context of Luke 12:42 makes very clear that the steward is judged faithful or evil individually, not as a class or group of people.

    (2) The faithful and discreet slave is responsible for providing spiritual food for anyone . This false doctrine is based 100% on a human interpretation of Matthew 24:45-47. There is no Scriptural support for that interpretation at all. Nothing in the original text suggests a source of spiritual food. And the Bible directly contradicts this notion by showing how spiritual insights are dispensed. (John 4:16-26; John 14:23-31; 1 Corinthians 1:26-2:16; James 1:5-8; 1 John 2:26-29; 1 Peter 1:10-16; John 15:17-16:16) Whatever differences they may have had, they all agreed on the source of spiritual insights [hint: it wasn't through humans, it was to humans—individually].

    (3) The Governing Body is needed to teach a faithful and discreet slave (who are supposedly "anointed ones") . (1 John 2:26-29) No need to say more.

    (4) The Bible advances the notion that there would be "new light" as time wore on . (Galatians 1:6-9) The ONLY Scripture purporting to prop this notion up is Proverbs 4:19. Reading the context of that verse shows that the path is the subject under consideration, not the light. The proverb contrasts the path (general life course) of individuals who are wicked with the path of individuals who are righteous. Misapplication of Scripture is not valid basis for doctrine.

    (5) Jehoiachin was exiled in 617 BC . Secular history is firm on the date of Jehoiachin's exile. It happened in 597 BC. This was the second exile, and the year of its occurrence is not in question. That this fact also happens to make the 607 BC doctrine impossible to uphold is beside the point. History doesn't care about a vain attempt by an insignificant religion to gain credibility for its dogma. Historians don't consider first whether a religion will be impacted by what they uncover. This religion has a vested interest in lying about this matter, to the tune of more than 1 billion USD per annum, historians don't.

    (6) Elders are responsible for judging wrongdoers . This is directly contradictory to the Scriptures. It is even directly contradictory to Jesus instructions on how to handle wrongdoing. Matthew 18:15-17 cannot be changed at a whim to mean eventually "if he does not listen to them, speak to the [elders]." Anyone who tries to do so is changing the words of the Bible to suit their own agenda. Such a person is rebuked by Galatians 1:6-9 and is showing the traits of their father. (Matthew 4:5-7) There is not a single occasion recorded in the Bible of elders acting as judges in place of individuals in the congregation. This teaching is based on the Mosaic Law, not on the law of the Christ.

    (7) Wrongdoers must confess their sins to the elders . Repeatedly the Bible encourages confessing our sins to God. Nowhere are we told to confess our sins to the elders. In only one place is the possibility even raised, but it is not an order. It is only a suggestion. We are TOLD to confess to God.

    (8) “Paradise” is a term that relates to earth. The Bible does not use the word Paradise in reference to the earth. The word only appears four times in the text of the New World Translation. The one in Song of Solomon is plainly symbolic. The one in 2 Corinthians 12 refers specifically to the “third heaven,” and the reference in Revelation 2:7 shows the tree of life in the presence of God. In Luke 23:43 is cannot be overlooked that Jesus says the evildoer will be with him.

    (9) The preaching work is the most important thing we could be doing right now. This idea is not found anywhere in the Bible. The most frequently used prop for this notion is 2 Timothy 4:1-5, however this does not recommend preaching in relation to any other activity for comparative purposes. Phillipians 1:8-11 does indicate the relative importance of accurate knowledge, demonstrating that whether we become a cause for stumbling would depend on whether we are abounding "more and more" in it. "More and more" is a phrase that conveys continual increase. This is how we make sure of the more important things. Ephesians 5:15-20 was written to a well established congregation. "Go on perceiving what the will of [the Lord] is..." According to James 1:27, "The form of worship that is clean and undefiled" doesn't even list preaching as a "work" that would demonstrate living faith. In fact, James specifies "not many of you should become teachers, my brothers..." (James 3:1)

    (10) The elders are spiritual authorities inside the congregant's family life. (1 Corinthians 11:3; Ephesians 5:21-33) NOWHERE in the Bible does the congregation's authority reach inside the household. Nowhere. And the Bible directly and pointedly cuts the congregation out of that arrangement. There is no account in the Bible of elders functioning as marriage counselors, nor any encouragement for them to do so. There is no Scripture giving the congregation any authority to pry into the sexual proclivities of the congregants.

    Add as many as you can, please. Again, if anyone disagrees with what someone posts please don't clutter this thread with the argument. The topic is not whether the posts are valid, the purpose of the topic is to collect doctrines the person posting cannot find an explanation for. If you found an explanation for a post that you would like to share, please do so by PM to the person who posted it or start another thread.


  • Check_Your_Premises

    Wow you are feeling ambitious today!

    Well one that always stuck in my craw was their boneheaded idea that nobody can understand the scriptures without them. To support this they use the story of the Ethiopian eunich who fatefully said, "how could I understand unless someone told me."

    Of course when this happened the New Testament had not been written, and it would have been impossible for him to know of Christ's fulfillment of Isaiah unless someone actually told him. If this happened today the Ethiopian eunich could simply pick up a Bible, even a NWT, and find out who Jesus was.

    Is that one, or is that more of an example of taking a verse out of context.


  • carla

    Should the wt pages and year #'s be included?

  • AuldSoul

    Thank CYP! That is exactly what I was looking for.


    Yes, that would have been a good Guess I need to go back and source their teachings, eh?


  • jgnat

    Auld Soul, how about starting with the baptism questions for the source of some of their doctrines?

    Some of my pet peeves:

    Wrongdoers are to be interviewed, judged, and reproved in private.

    The anointed are a class of people.

    Cleanliness is next to godliness.

    No beards for men.

  • fahrvegnugen

    Most of this just comes down to one person's belief against another's. Your average JW could go down the list and rebutt every point you listed. That's why there are so many religions.

  • AuldSoul


    Excellent ideas! Thanks.

    On the "no beards for men" that is a regional thing at the discretion of men in the area. I would approach it from the standpoint of whether ANYONE has the right to make those determination for someone else and impose restrictions on other than spiritual grounds.

    How does a beard bring one under reproach? Never could quite grasp it. Will add those for sure.

    Thanks for the input. Please keep it coming. Goldminer, are you out there? Didn't you have a post with a lot of things listed recently?


  • willyloman

    Here's a few more:

    The number of "annointed" ones alive on the earth is significant and must be tabulated and recorded and is linked to the modern date of 1935.

    The bible says "no one knows the hour or the day" yet JWs are fascinated by chronology and their history is replete with references to "scripturally-established" hours and days, which has led them to predict various end-time dates.

    Jesus as baptized at age 30 and the baptisms recorded in the bible all appear to involve adults, yet JWs, who scorn "Christendom" for baptizing infants, continue to highlight children as young as 9 or 10 who get baptized at JW conventions.

  • jgnat

    Well, fahrvegnugen, that is true to a point. The JW's have painted themselves in a doctrinal corner, however, by claiming that they alone interpret the bible "accurately". Many of their doctrines cannot be supported biblically.

    - Field service reports?

  • TD

    That the parable of the wise steward in the Olivet Discourse is a prophecy

    Jesus tells of a "Faithful and wise steward" appointed over all his masters belongings while the master is away. (Mt. 24:45-51; Lu. 12:42-48) He gives two possible outcomes for the steward: He will either be punished, or rewarded dependng upon his conduct.

    JW's insist that this is a prophecy fortelling that the steward would remain faithful, that he would be rewarded, that he would be appointed over all his master's belongings. JW's use these assumptions as a basis to, in effect declare themselves righteous through the additional assertions that this steward is actually a "class" and that anointed JW's compose this class.

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