For me, it would be my daughter. My only child. A married woman---but always still my little girl.
A Morbid Question: Who Could Die That Would Crush You???
by minimus 50 Replies latest jw friends
yes my kids
My mother
My five hundred pound uncle if when he died he landed on me.
Lady Lee
either of my children or 3 (so far) grandchildren
My daughter's death would crush me. I would be extremely saddened by the death of my youngest relatives - the "under 18" crowd of nieces/nephews/cousins. Anyone else would have little impact on me, though I'd feel bad for the survivors.
My parents! Just the thought makes me cringe.
I must admit-they spoil me. If they were gone I think I would have to start facing harsh realities about the real world.
Any of my 4 kids . Had a grandchild die that almost put me over the edge , can't imagine losing my kids.
don't touch my kitty kls