Rex, glad to see you back, and polishing the same old turds!! See you in hell buddy !! Whoooo-hooo!!!
Real evangelism powered by the Holy Spirit
by Shining One 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Where is Hades? Where is Heaven? What is this "Spirit" that you speak of made of?
Thanks Rex.... I have been looking into the 'born again' ideal, and you have just convinced me not to bother looking any further!!! Since when were you given the power of judgement over others, and what sort of an evangelist are you to start condemning anyone???
Every human being has a choice of eternity, smoking or non.
"I see your true colours, shining through..."
How Christlike, making jokes about eternal torment...
If you think that all that is real is within the feeble grasp of your mind and senses then you will be truly surprised when you cast off the flesh...
You go first, we're watching. Have you got a webcam?
You will account for them in eternity to your Lord, like it or not.
Prove it. Oh, you can't. Prove. A. Single. Thing. As I think you have previously admitted (or been unab;e to disprove) to me on this forum, you have no more proof of your beliefs than a Shaman in a loiincloth with a bone through his nose.
What does the Bible teach
That there was a Global Flood at a point in history where dozens of civilizations were so wrapped up in whatever it was they were doing they didn't notice drowning and carried on regardless. They built stuff 'before' the 'Flood' that still stands. As do trees that were hundreds of years old when they were submerged for almost a year. On this basis the Bible is not reliable.
But your empty philosophy tastes of ashes Rex, and they are not the ashes of torment your mean spirit would condemn all who do not worship your opinion to. They are the ashes of a paradigm that is devoid of value, devoid of support, full of hate and contempt for your fellow man, full of lies and distortions to back your evil little message.
If there is a god in the primitive violent vein you restrict him to in your ignorance, you will reap the whirlwind for your lack of love and your arrogance. Vanity is your chief motivation, just as is oft the case with your ilk.
It's not about getting people to worship god, it's about getting people to worship your opinion. I suggest you take up Yoga, that way you will, with some effort, be able to give yourself an equivalent act of worship you crave from others, even with the number of vertebrae you evolved with, and stop bothering nice people.
You still crave the simplistic 'answer god', the maker of lightening, the magic skyman who made the world. You still see value in primitive gods that once provided answers for what was then inexplicable.
You ignore that such human, petty, limited, childish conceptions of god now actually create more questions than the 'answers' they once provided to people. Much of the inexplicable is now explained, although primitive hateful minds cling to ignorance and superstition.
One such question your concept of god raises is - how can anyone claiming to give guidance from god (that's you) be so morally repugnant?
However IF there is anything deserving of the term god, then you are as much a part of him as I am, as Osama bin-Ladin is, as Gandhi was. So I pity you. You come here, are Universally derided, make yourself appear foolish vain and hateful beyond all compare, and cause a stumbling with your attitude and cold heart.
Your 'real' life must be non-existent or empty for you to gain any satisfaction from the response you get here.
Poor sad man; let's have a 'pity Rex week'.
God knows the poor sod needs it...
As for 'disconnection' from god, I think this is like saying one can disconnect from the Universe. Anyone implying that we can REALLY be disconnected is just repeating the error of eons, even if, unlike Rex, they are people I'd like to share a meal with and would gladly call friend.
Why? Because they preach exclusivity (if you don't this doesn't apply to you)
I think we might not acknowledge the interconnected nature of all life, but it is still there, we are all still part of it, no matter if one calls it 'god', or an 'emergent characteristic', or 'Atman', or if one denies it.
I believe this acceptance of each other and INCLUSIVITY are vital for the peaceful future of humankind. You can make it out to be divine, or just the way things are, I don't mind, nor does 'god', LOL, you can call him Allah or Odin or the Glastonbury Fairy or synchronistic mechanistic determination, 'god' really could not care less.
That there was a Global Flood at a point in history where dozens of civilizations were so wrapped up in whatever it was they were doing they didn't notice drowning and carried on regardless. They built stuff 'before' the 'Flood' that still stands. As do trees that were hundreds of years old when they were submerged for almost a year. On this basis the Bible is not reliable.
But your empty philosophy tastes of ashes Rex, and they are not the ashes of torment your mean spirit would condemn all who do not worship your opinion to. They are the ashes of a paradigm that is devoid of value, devoid of support, full of hate and contempt for your fellow man, full of lies and distortions to back your evil little message.
If there is a god in the primitive violent vein you restrict him to in your ignorance, you will reap the whirlwind for your lack of love and your arrogance. Vanity is your chief motivation, just as is oft the case with your ilk.
It's not about getting people to worship god, it's about getting people to worship your opinion. I suggest you take up Yoga, that way you will, with some effort, be able to give yourself an equivalent act of worship you crave from others, even with the number of vertebrae you evolved with, and stop bothering nice people.
You still crave the simplistic 'answer god', the maker of lightening, the magic skyman who made the world. You still see value in primitive gods that once provided answers for what was then inexplicable.
You ignore that such human, petty, limited, childish conceptions of god now actually create more questions than the 'answers' they once provided to people. Much of the inexplicable is now explained, although primitive hateful minds cling to ignorance and superstition.
One such question your concept of god raises is - how can anyone claiming to give guidance from god (that's you) be so morally repugnant?
Wish I had your way with words, Abaddon!
I predict the sinning one's contribution to be on the wane in this thread.
I believe much of what you say. We, however are convinced that Holy Spirit was an attempt to understand a strange energy source that controlled Ezekials wheel and was responsible for lifting Jesus towards his journey towards the fathers world.
Well, if no sense equates to no feeling, then this will just roll of Rex like water off a duck's back. See - I said he was fowl...
We, however are convinced that Holy Spirit was an attempt to understand a strange energy source that controlled Ezekials wheel and was responsible for lifting Jesus towards his journey towards the fathers world.
Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-kay... and what convinces you of this? Are you using an experiential paradigm or an evidential one? What makes you think 'zeke's wheel was anything other than a metaphor? What makes Daniel's whacky visions any more of value than those of my illustrative and useful shaman with a loincloth and bone through their nose?
(note to all Shaman; there is nothing wrong with loincloths and bones through noses, at least no more than eating diet bread and bad wine and thinking it's flesh and blood)