I know that this question must of been asked before, but I wasn't here when it was asked. So, I'm asking again. How do you get by when you're stressed to the point of no return?
What gives your life meaning/purpose?
by MsMcDucket 18 Replies latest jw friends
Low-Key Lysmith
I scoop up the dog and go fishing. I try to go at least once a week. I live in the Pacific Northwest, so there is always somewhere close by to go to haul in a lunker. Plus, the scenery is incredible! Fishing always recharges my batteries and gets me ready for another work week.
Knowing that there still exist a loving creator who is still willing to take the time to watch out for me, regardless for my lack of faith in my previoius religion, in my fellow man, and even myself. To know that I'm not floundering around down here to no purpose. To be able to see the grace of God continuing to show itself evident in my life, in spite of myself.
I do what I can about the situation and set it aside and do something fun.
Grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.Blondie
drew sagan
Leaving the Watchtower (mentally) goes hand in hand with answering this question for yourself. After I realized that a particular religions interpretation of the Bible is not what life is all about I feel that the scriptures have been open up to me. My faith in God keeps me going. I know he's there, and lets things go on for his purpose. Do I have all the answers, NO! But that's life, it's a journey that i'm enjoying. Life has ups and downs. Instead of feeling bad for myself about all the downs I simply see them as a part of life. To not feel and expierance them would anti-human.
Reluctant Buddha
"I know that this question must of been asked before, but I wasn't here when it was asked. So, I'm asking again. How do you get by when you're stressed to the point of no return?"
Hmm, two questions. What gives my life meaning and purpose?
I do.
How do I get by when I'm stressed?
I meditate for at least 90 minures a day. I've been at it for over thitty-three years.
"The meaning of life is to give life meaning, just as the purpose of life is to give life purpose."
"Raising Hell Not Consciousness" -
"The meaning of life is to give life meaning, just as the purpose of life is to give life purpose."
So what you're saying is "life is what you make it"?
I remember the witnesses teaching that meditation was bad. Something about a empty house and letting demons in. I guess I need to get pass their teachings and start trying to meditate. It worked for Tina Turner!
I think these are different questions (meaning and purpose; stress relief).
Meaning and purpose is best answered with philosophy or religion, I think.
Stress relief could be fishing... or meditating on your meaning and purpose.
If you're really just stressed out by frustrating circumstances, remember to hang on because all things change eventually. You will be able to smile again. Try not to say or do anything you would regret in the meantime.
Good luck and a (((HUG)))
Darth Yhwh
What gives my life meaning and purpose? In two words, deoxyribonucleic acid (AKA: children).
(I don't look to religion or God anymore)
Life itself. I'm alive, and there are dreams that I hope to achieve.
I am trying to love myself more everyday, and so far, enjoying it very much.I've looked at my life and thought, "Is this really all there is?!" Well, I don't know, so I've gotta keep myself moving along happily.
Of course my children as well, but, sometimes things get so bad that my selfish thinking comes into play, and I need more than that. Hence, loving myself enough to keep going simply because I deserve it.