how can you

by the devil 666 52 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • under74

    well, it's kind of like she's made the commitment and leaving might be harder for her after....not that it isn't harder before. As far as how other JWs treat my experience, baptized people become old news. If they fall on hard times people aren't as ready to help her

  • the devil 666
    the devil 666

    do you have to give jw any money out of what you earn as shes always borrowing money from me do they give a set amount each month

  • jgnat

    Naaah, the JW's are not big on asking for cash. They just ask for everything else. Your time, your loyalty, everything. If you crash in to her religion the way you came on here, they will advise her to cut you out of her life completely.

    Why do you think she was attracted to the Witnesses in the first place? That will be the key to getting her out.

  • under74

    no...although they encourage donations. The thing is they demand a certain amount of hours of "service" or going door to door to preach which can cut into work which means less money. If she's still new, she's probably trying to buy all the liturature available which will cost money.

  • Hellrider

    Well, they have to buy a certain amount of magazines and books. It`s not that much, though, but that is the financial backbone of the religions leadership, the WatchTower Bible and Tract Society. 6 million witnoids worldwide, that`s a good financial basis, even though each member gives just a little bit, for books and magasines. You said she hadn`t been baptised yet, and that`s a good thing. It will be harder to get her out after she has been baptised, beacuse then the friends she has made in the cult, will have to shun her, if you get her out (she will first be disfellowshipped, then shunned). Disfellowshipping is extra hard for JWs, because, in addition to shunning, because even though they`re starting to realise that the religion is a lie, there`s this little piece of them that will still believe all the propaganda-crap about how the "apostates" will get killed by God in Armageddon for sure. Which is just really stupid, because they allready believe that all non-JWs are going to get killed by Armageddon. Devil, do you know anything at all about this religion? You should start learning about it, educate yourself, that will make it easier for you to help your daughter out (if there is a chanse of that - it sounds like she`s allready very brainwashed). There are a lot of books on this issue, written by ex-JWs.

    Ray Franz: Crisis of conscience.

    ...this is the classic book about the WTS and the JW-religion. It covers pretty much everything important. Read it!

    if you have no knowledge about the JW-religion, you could always start with Wikipedia, although the article there is very neutral and almost positive about the JW-religion. At least it`s a summary of what they believe. But the description of the religion at Wikipedia isn`t the whole truth. There`s a flipside to the coin. And that`s why you should read Crisis of Conscience!

  • the devil 666
    the devil 666

    she started working at place then she got friendly with another jw and it went from there so where do i start from ? you tell me

  • Legolas
    do you have to give jw any money out of what you earn as shes always borrowing money from me do they give a set amount each month

    They might not say 'Give' money BUT they GUILT you into it!

    Welcome to the board!

    We will help as much as we can!

  • jgnat

    Male or female JW? Was she raised in a religious household? Perhaps their morality and their structure appeals to her.

  • the devil 666
    the devil 666

    thank-you for that

  • Honesty

    I would start by learning all you can about the history of the JW's. They are like a bunch of drunk sailors with their doctrines. They go back and forth and back and forth. That is how a lot of us here found out they are a cult. Then be very gentle and careful how you present things to her because the JW's will have by now got her believing that you are opposing God because you object to her joining the religion.

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