WTS-UN Human Rights Connection?

by Van Gogh 16 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Van Gogh
    Van Gogh

    Sorry to regurgitate some "old light" onto your keyboards folks, but I came across the following link:


    It shows how the WTS was represented by three different observers from three different NGO's at the annual meeting of the Human Rights Commission of the United Nations in May 1999:

    1)Association of Jehovah's Witnesses
    2)European Association of Jehovah's Witnesses for the Protection of Religious Freedom
    3)Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia

    What struck me in particular was the fact that apparently JW seems to have done some political lobbying in association with many other religious and/or politically active NGO's.

    IMHO this kind of UN involvement seems to go way beyond holding a mere library card.

    Could anyone enlighten me as to how this has been explained away by the Brooklyn boys?

  • yaddayadda

    Yea, the explanation is simple. They totally lied re the library card excuse and quite plainly had an agenda to become an NGO to engage in lobbying via the UN for more religious freedom. Admirable motives but scurrilous hypocrisy, double-standards and deception.

  • skyman

    Came across this myself and the one that stated in after UN/Gate did not care. In the World of the blind the man with one eye rules.

  • Woodsman

    I have not seen any attempt to explain any of those actions. If you ask as I did they won't answer. Their widely distributed form letter is essentially all the comment they have. Only those willing to dig deeper know the truth.

  • greendawn

    Did they not also ally themselves with Jimmy Swaggart that is with false religion or Babylon the Great(according to their opinion)? In that case it was obviously for the sake of money, saving taxes. So with the UN affair they had their illegitimate reasons to have it. There is nothing truthful they can say for their own defence.

  • serendipity

    I've read that there are anywhere from 6 to 8 NGO's registered for the WTS. How many library cards did they need?

  • Inquisitor

    Thanks for the link Van Gogh. I haven't seen this doc before. Another one for my collection ;)


  • Ozner


    Maybe you want to know what I think about it, as a JW:

    I would like to see that the WTS joins up with the UN to improve the live of many poor people in developing country's. At this moment the WTS does selective aid by (the NGO) aidafrique. It could be much efficiƫnt by using the UN ground organizations. I think many JW would be proud to see that the WTS improves real help to poor people.

    But about your case:

    The WTS is playing with words. When they say that the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society is no (longer) associated with the UN, then they are right. Because they use at this moment other corporations and associations when they visit UN and other forums. Many of the brothers - others than the rank and file - at the headquarters are traveling arround the globe to visit UN, UNHCR and other political forums.

    It is time that "our" WTS plays with open cards. Otherwise they (and we as JW) will be surpassed by the truth, not only when it concerns UN and other political, religious and non-religious consultation but also when it concerns financial affairs. At last, the internal history of the WTS is one of the main threats for us inside the organisation. It is time to change!

  • Van Gogh
    Van Gogh

    Geachte Heer Bommel,

    You stated:

    "I would like to see that the WTS joins up with the UN to improve the live of many poor people in developing country's. At this moment the WTS does selective aid by (the NGO) aidafrique. It could be much efficiƫnt by using the UN ground organizations. I think many JW would be proud to see that the WTS improves real help to poor people."

    Yeah, perhaps the WTS is already teaming up with the UN in order to practice for paradise. Heck, with all the outsourcing that's going on they might just as well have booked 'm as subcontractors after Armageddon (of course, new light might indicate that it already happened invisibly in 1975).

    You stated:

    "Because they use at this moment other corporations and associations when they visit UN and other forums. Many of the brothers - others than the rank and file - at the headquarters are traveling arround the globe to visit UN, UNHCR and other political forums."

    Which covert corporations/associations are they presently deploying? Do you have any proof to back your statements up?

    You stated:

    "It is time that "our" WTS plays with open cards. Otherwise they (and we as JW) will be surpassed by the truth, not only when it concerns UN and other political, religious and non-religious consultation but also when it concerns financial affairs. At last, the internal history of the WTS is one of the main threats for us inside the organisation. It is time to change!"

    They were never even able to keep pace with the truth from the onset. The Judge was on the run from The Pastor's "past truths" and misconceptions from the word go. If there were ever one who developed the concept of "time to change" to perfection, it must have been Rutherfraud. In fact, the WTS has been in a state of flash light flux like a spinning lighthouse trying to keep up with "present truth" - not to mention "future truth." If the absolute truth had been your main commodity for over one hundred years, do you think any amount of damage control would suffice if caught covering-up cooking the books for all those years? Arthur Anderson, Enron, WorldCom - giants can fall. To think that all this time they were poking their noses in UN affairs trying to watch out for the fall of Babylon the Great, while in doing so they were actually speeding up their own demise. Ironic how Russel's pyramid schemes turned out to be just that - as well as a self-fulfilling prophesy - the only one he got right...

  • Sunspot
    IMHO this kind of UN involvement seems to go way beyond holding a mere library card.

    The "mere library card" was a flimsy excuse but the best they could conjure up as a reason for their UN-related activities. As usual, the deceptive and disgusting WTS wouldn't recognize truth if it bit them. They are THE masters when it comes to pulling wool over the eyes of its sheep.

    Also, as with everything else the WTS is involved in, they are ONLY in things for what can be done FOR them. The money allocated to them for "their foreign works" is a farce as they can more than well afford to distrubute magazines and hunt down potential converts with all the donations sent to them by the duped sheep. The land holdings, prime real estate and assets are astronomical...yet they suck funding by any means they can just BECAUSE they can.

    They sneer and look down on the governments of any country, but will take whatever they CAN from whatever country they are found in......as with the Welfare Systems and the blood banks which they never "give to" but will "use" to their own means. The WTS has figured out how to take, use and suck the life out of every means and opportunity they find, but never reciprocate in like manner.

    They had a "good thing going" before they were caught red-handed with "Mother's" panties down as a prostitute just as she had warned her followers NOT to do......her kiddies HAD to make up SOME excuse as to why she was found enjoying the "favors" of all the big bad UN had to offer to her.

    The Watchtowergod/ Mother is a leech.

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