jehovahs wittnesses have the truth there is no doubt about i.people can say what they like ut there is no other group of people who bring glory to jehovah
we have the truth there is no doubt
by PMJ 174 Replies latest watchtower bible
Perhaps you aught to research that furthur before you make such a bold statement!
I'm sure many on this board once felt the same...but now we know better!
but do you no better?what frame of mind was you in when you set out to prove the organtion will find faultwith anything some times it takes a look at the hole picture of things.tell me people who left the jw s did they realy ever have a realship with jah?
"Truth" is not a tangible object that you can "have" or "be in."
Like most other religions, a few of the things that Jehovah's Witnesses teach are true. Many other things they teach are not.
The way they treat people (disfellowshipped or disassociated) and the way they 'REALLY ACT' behind closed doors.... I would say YES they really honor jehoba for sure!
Let the feasting begin.
As Hitler once said, "The Bigger the Lie, the more people will believe it." There are about 6,000,000 who believe the Society's many, many lies. Including 1975, UN, abstain from blood (yet take hemoglobin and all other fractions), don't go to college, don't get married, don't get vaccinated, don't vote....
Double Edge
jehovahs wittnesses have the truth there is no doubt about i.people can say what they like ut there is no other group of people who bring glory to jehovah
I have Mormon and Baptist friends who say the same thing, with just as much conviction. I don't think you have enough life experience to make such a statement; besides, unless you've visited and studied other religions the only thing you really know about them is what you've "heard". Poor excuse for knowledge.
Truth" is not a tangible object that you can "have" or "be in."
i have to say i agree.but the question is who is doing the will of god on earth today.there are many religions i agree but surley they cant all be acceptble to God.there is nothing tricky or confusing about this.the bible says he who does the will of God will be saved he never said he who nows the date of the destruction of jerusalam will be saved or anything else for that matter.all that matters come judgement day is do we no and serve JEHOVAH GOD?