I prefer showers. It's quick. convienient, I can brush my teeth, shave and host of various other things that you just can't get done in the tub. Do you prefer traditional cake soap, or body wash? Shower gel. Luffae(sp) or washcloths? Inquiring minds wanna' no
When's the Last Time You Had a Bath?
by prophecor 27 Replies latest watchtower bible
The closest I came to a bath this year, was when I swam in the ocean once this summer. Does that count?
Oh, and I shower every day, just so you know.
I love bubblebaths. I usually take baths and yes I love all the scented soaps and scrubs and all that good stuff.
I prefer showers too.
But when my wife wants to do the bath thing with the bath salts, candles, etc...... well ... THAT'S when I do the bath thing.
Rub a Dub
I had a bath this afternoon, I am orange-scented and coated in glitter from a Christmas-present bathbomb!:D
You can't read books in the shower and the bath is where I get the majority of my reading done (leading to shelves full of "wavy" books!). -
I forgot to mention....
We have several jacuzzi-type jets in the bathtub.
She says it relieves stress.
Yes, I'm sure it does .... LOL
Rub a Dub
4 years ago.
hubert, you took my answer.
Showers are best when you are in a hurry.
LS you run yourself right to the bathroom and handle your business, girl!!!
I love bubblebaths
Bubblebaths are nice, especially after a large bean dinner...