Howdy Hawk,
My sister, Patio, just e-mailed me about your "mysterious post to waiting." I think she suspicions that her sister is trying to pick up men on the internet.
I wish.
Anyhow........I have received your e-mail (KABOOM!!!!) read, and hopefully returned it to you, (hand intact.) As I said in my e-mail, if you don't receive it, please e-mail me a fax number, and I'll fax a *real paper* response to you.
If readers are confused by all, I'm not hitting on Hawk, and he didn't blow me away (figurtively speaking) - he is behaving in a way which is quite rare for jw's (even though he's never been one) imho.
He has done my family an immense favor of time, knowledge and effort - for free - to a stranger - with no intent of payback or even a thank you.
He is being gracious, as in Gentle Man.
Thank you, Hawk.