I agree with Kenneson, first of all the case is closed. But I still feel a nice program on the media will go a long way. Say 20/20 or 60 minutes. Go at it from the freedom of speech angle. I would love to see a top interviewer ask the WTS the BIG QUESTIONS and see them squerm trying to answer them. Have a Happy.
Online Petition Re Quotes Lawsuit--PLEASE SIGN
by rebel8 52 Replies latest jw friends
Could you put a link to the replies to the petition so we could read them and get an idea of how many replies there are?
Ppls statements to the WTS have had impact in the past. Someone reads the correspondence. Crisis of Conscience talks about letters written that caused debates and discussion at hdqts. Ppl talking to me about the WTS helped me personally to leave the org. Ppl talk about the WTS to JWs every day on the internet and it helps. To say my petition definitely will have no impact is a glass-half-empty guess.
I can "see" that it is possible to notify officials of this issue. That is not my goal though, so why would I pursue it? Why would it be my responsibility to completely change my activities to meet someone else's goal? Those with that goal are free to act upon it themselves.
I'm off to enjoy my holiday. Peace.
I'd love to see the Quotes story end up on 20/20 or 60 minutes but we all know the WTS would be a no-show and then they'd just tell the rank & file "see,it's just apostates making it up,we don't even waste our time with things like that" and 98% of jw's would believe it.
As for the petition,maybe if people put down the names of PO's and elders it might have a small impact,otherwise the WTS will be glad it's not public and just quietly destroy it.
Hi Matt, I will post all of the responses for you eventually. Right now I need to keep the file accessible only to me. Some people are signing their names and emails with the belief it will be seen only by me and the WTS. I will need to edit it out b4 sharing. Here is a summary, with identifying info removed. Now I've got to go off and finish that bottle of champage from last night.
Where are
you from:Washington
Surely the "Truth" can bear a little scrutiny? Shutting down this site to "save yourselves embarassment" (as quoted in your lawsuit) has made you look even worse.
January 1, 2006 16:01:31 (GMT Time)
Where are
you from:Ks
I don't see why you would sue someone for publishing YOUR literature, which is supposedly free. It, also, proclaims to be "The Truth". Are you embarrassed by it? If you are, indeed, God's prophets you should have nothing to fear.
January 1, 2006 15:54:34 (GMT Time)
Where are
you from:Virginia, USA
January 1, 2006 15:32:49 (GMT Time)
Where are
you from:New York State
Why would anyone be afraid of the truth? Are they that ashamed of their old publications and their "old truths"? Sounds fishy to me.
January 1, 2006 14:46:27 (GMT Time)
Where are
you from:On,Canada
Shame on you.... I went door to door for 25 years passing out the very information you silenced Quotes from showing on the net.
January 1, 2006 14:41:35 (GMT Time)
Where are
you from:Ohio, USA
Why would "the truth" need to use Caesar as a hammer to crush dissent?
January 1, 2006 14:39:57 (GMT Time)
Where are
you from:Pennsylvania
January 1, 2006 14:38:02 (GMT Time)
Where are
you from:Maryland
The policies of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society are appalling. There have been many Jehovah's Witness who have suffered and never recovered from the Watchtower's stance on disfellowshipping and blood abstinence. Quotes site dispenses information that the Watchtower organization should and would be embarrassed about, as the Watchtower Society now denies ever to have made such claims that the Quotes site exposes. Quotes is an expose for people who are ignorant of the Watchtower's former claims (and the claims are myriad).
January 1, 2006 14:35:17 (GMT Time)
Where are
you from:England
Truth is apparent and does not need protecting or hiding. The WBTS should have courage that real truth has survived for centuries and does not need a worldly law suit to protect it now. Jehovah does not need a lawyer.
January 1, 2006 14:35:03 (GMT Time)
Where are
you from:Florida
Your actions are beginning to look more and more like those of Scientology. Is that the image the Watchtower Society wants to project?
January 1, 2006 14:11:19 (GMT Time)
Where are
you from:Wisconsin, USA
January 1, 2006 14:00:13 (GMT Time)
Where are
you from:Washington
January 1, 2006 13:24:18 (GMT Time)
Where are
you from:Finland
Your persecution of the Quotes website is only adding to the mountain of evidence that your self-claimed stance as the sole "channel of God" is a blatant lie. You will never be able to silence the opposition, no matter how much you throw your legal fist around.
January 1, 2006 09:39:31 (GMT Time)
Where are
you from:canada
you the defenders of free speech? you looken bad now
December 31, 2005 11:07:21 (GMT Time)
Where are
you from:England
"AND BY THEIR WORKS YOU WILL KNOW THEM." By closing down a website that did nothing more than repeat the "Truths" you have tried to spread though out the entire inhabited earth, you have shown yourselves to be hypocrites. I understood you believe that we received the truth freely and should give freely! You claim breech of copyright, while at the same time, claiming the author of your publications is God? You state yourselves that you find the web site embarrassing. Your record of failed prophecies and changes in belief are indeed an embarrassment to decent people as was your association with the United nations after years of condemnation. The stench of your organisation has ascended clear to heaven.
December 29, 2005 14:14:47 (GMT Time)
Where are
you from:Denmark
December 27, 2005 23:57:52 (GMT Time)
Where are
you from:USA
December 27, 2005 22:25:10 (GMT Time)
Where are
you from:bc canada
December 27, 2005 18:48:07 (GMT Time)
Where are
you from:California, USA
Having studied with the JW’s, I was taught that their perseverance and quest for free speech and/or right to practice this, was paramount to their existence and growth. Why then have I now had to witness the brutal assault by the Watchtower against one man/one website that did nothing but provide material from our own publications for the public to view? It makes no sense. Using cash donated from it’s own members to fight against free speech is hypocritical and unethical. One can choose to ignore much of what one hears around the world in respect to the Watchtower but one cannot chose to ignore the unethical, unmoral and wholly destructive actions taken by the Society on this issue because quite simply, if free speech did not exist for us we would have withered and died.
December 27, 2005 17:19:24 (GMT Time)
Where are
you from:California, USA
I am presently a disfellowshipped Witness and I must say that I am appalled at the behavior of the Society toward the owner/operator of the Quotes website. I believed that the Watchtower was a promoter of free speech for isn't that what we have all been so proud to tell everyone? How then can I believe that or even worse, believe anything that the Society tells me, when I see them use such strong arm tactics to shut down a website that does absolutely nothing but quote materials from our own publication? I have visited this site and found NOTHING that would warrant the Society's actions. If anything, the action taken by the Watchtower has only served to make me question the real motive behind the lawsuit. This leads to even more questions such as why the Society believes that taking money from the Kingdom Ministry work to fight a legal battle against free speech is ethical? Why does the Society promote it's own cause by preaching against persecution and free speech, but have no problem
December 27, 2005 17:05:43 (GMT Time)
Where are
you from:NY
WTBTS is a snare and a racket!
December 27, 2005 11:46:13 (GMT Time)
Where are
you from:Pacific basin
All those years I was pioneering I really thought you were honest Christians. I would have died for my faith, thinking I was dying for Jehovah. I really believed you championed freedom of speech. Not only are you not honest Christians, your hyprocracy would make the Pharisees blush. It just breaks my heart.
December 27, 2005 01:52:28 (GMT Time)
Where are
you from:Florida
To the WT: You are the biggest hypocrites in the world. You do the same things you condemn other to death for doing. You were dying to have your publication available to the public, and then when they are, you scream bloody murder. Everyone knows why you are embarrassed, because you don't serve God and never did. I hope you rot in Hell. You serve Satan and always have. You should be ashamed of yourselves, but you don't know the meaning.
December 27, 2005 00:34:00 (GMT Time)
Where are
you from:Texas (World Capital of X-JW's)
Your teachings have caused the deaths of thousands of people, because of the blood issue & transplant issues. Your history is filled with pitful advice, like staying away from Aluminum & vaccinations many years ago. Just because you 'changed' your doctrines won't save you from being 'bloodguilty. People are still dead, because they listened to YOUR words as God's only 'conduit.' And never, ever has there been an apology ! Family...has been a real target of yours. Your disfellowshipping doctrine has caused the break up of thousands of families, and caused the death of thousands through suicide. You take & strip everything from a person 'In the same of Jesus', throwing them into deep depression. I have no doubt Jesus weeps at what you do in his name. He was loving -- you are not. You are more like the murderous, vindictive, jealous, petty & war-like God of the Jews. I have no use for you. I will get my family 'out' of your clutches. Bet on it. You cannot stop 'the informat
December 26, 2005 23:01:38 (GMT Time)
Where are
you from:Ontario
A very interesting topic that I believe will damage the Watchtower ten fold with the attack on the Quotes site!
December 26, 2005 20:17:29 (GMT Time)
Where are
you from:Calif.
December 26, 2005 19:07:40 (GMT Time)
Where are
you from:CA, USA
The watchtower leaders misled my parents who in turn raised their children to devote their lives to the WT lie. Now grandchildren and great grandchildren and many other family members are devoted to the big lie. The watchtower must pay for their wrongs.
December 26, 2005 19:02:01 (GMT Time)
Where are
you from:United States
Please inform the legal dept that we will not rest, until all of the skeletons are out of the Watchtower Closet.
December 26, 2005 18:38:17 (GMT Time)
Where are
you from:Texas
You say you give your word for free, but yet you fight to kep that same word out of the public. Do not think the world sees what you are doing? Is this what Jesus would do? Hide his own words? No!
December 26, 2005 18:28:46 (GMT Time)
Where are
you from:USA
$$ talks as proven by this gross display of injustice.
December 26, 2005 18:24:30 (GMT Time)
Where are
you from:BC Canada
There is nothing hidden that shall not become manifest.
December 26, 2005 17:43:09 (GMT Time)
Where are
you from:xxx
My elder husband should realise that all is not what it seems. The truth is not JW religion
December 26, 2005 16:44:52 (GMT Time)
Where are
you from:Comments:
nice work!!
December 26, 2005 16:20:28 (GMT Time)
Where are
you from:Maryland
You will not win!
December 26, 2005 16:20:24 (GMT Time)
Where are
you from:New York
It only proves that the watch tower society has something to hide. Suing someone who quotes your own words? C'mon!
December 26, 2005 16:18:15 (GMT Time)
Where are
you from:England
Dear Watchtower, I so hope you are proud of yourselves, you have removed a potential embarassment to you by getting rid of the quotes website. However, instead of just one site, there are going to be 100's, ao even in the flush of victory you are still tasting defeat.
December 26, 2005 15:44:53 (GMT Time)
Where are
you from:Texas
From an ex-elder, by suing the quotes website you have shown me just how right I was to leave. Why would you shut down a site that only quotes verbatim from your publications? Because knowledge is power, you dont want people to have the power to see you for what you really are. You want to keep people in ingnorance. I spit on your "divine teaching".
December 26, 2005 15:37:07 (GMT Time)
Where are
you from:Canada
I very much enjoyed the Quotes website, which consisted of direct quotes from the Watchtower material. I will miss it. I am very disappointed in the Watcthower Society for their draconian tactics in shutting down this site, considering they have been participants in supporting free speech in this country.
December 26, 2005 15:10:55 (GMT Time)
Where are
you from:Georgia
You have silenced an advocate for free speech and bullied a lesser into submission with superior financial capacity, capacity I once augmented. You have stirred a hornet's nest.
December 26, 2005 14:57:27 (GMT Time)
What do you want us to put in the comment box?
Never mind i just seen the examples!
Oh i am tired so can't think to good today!..LOL
It won't change any minds and they won't care
I dont care if they dont care. It wont hurt them to know people are angry.
Also rebel understood my comment, I didnt mean to in any way make comparisons about the importance or significance of the two issues - just action v inaction. And that I think action is always worthwhile, even if its only to make you feel better.
Signed and commented...don't give a titmouse's front tooth if they see my personal information...as to whether they read it or not, doesn't matter, you can bet your bottom dollar someone will read through it...after that they can use it for Bethel toilet paper for all that...
What the petition does is put them on notice that: 1) there is a group of people, ex-JWs and others, that are interconnected. 2) they cannot eradicate the information, it's there and will remain, for all to see...
As Danny Hazzards has pointed out several times, once it gets on the world wide web it's there to stay...besides, signing a petition, any petition, empowers those that do so, gives that good feeling down in your bones you spoke out, you took a stand, encourages others too...You can't eat the whole elephant all at once, you eat him a chunk at a time...
I didn't know that the case was settled. Could someone point to the thread that explains what the outcome was. Thanks!