Read Ezekiel 40:1 In the twenty-fifth year of our exile, at the beginning of the year, on the tenth of the month, in the fourteenth year after the fall of the city—on that very day the hand of the LORD was upon me and he took me there. --- One verse showing that Babilonian Captivity is not the same as Jerusalem Destruction. Ofcourse if we start to count the 70 years from Babilonian invasion into whole region (Jeremia is talking about whole region not only Jersualem and even not only Judea)
Babilonian captivity VS Jerusalem destruction
by Shazard 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
i dont understand what ur tlking about?its says our exhile?whats ur point?
I am talking about that Exile to Babilon started atleast 10 years BEFORE destruction of Jerusalem. Ezekiel is preaching to people of Babilon if you know Ezekiel at all. See ezekiel speaks in 25 year of exile, 14 years AFTER destruction of jerusalem. Simple math 25-14 :)
But this is only ONE small part of scripture which shows that 70years of Exile does not start when Jerusalem were destroyed. Actually ONLY by Scriptures alone it is possible to proove that exile to Babilon started before destruction of Jerusalem. But it is possible only if you believe Bible, not Society!
Here it is. 2 King 21:11-15, 2 King 24:1-3, 2 Chron 36:20-21, Jer 25:11, Jer 29:9-1, Zah 1:12. Read what about Jeremia and authors of Kings and Chron are talking about... Jerusalem or Whole region will be under Babilon for 70 years. Notice that Zah is talking about 70 years allready passed, but Jerusalem and even Temple is not started to rebuild. Now read 2 King 25:1,2,8,9 Now... waves of exile - 2 King 24:1, Dan 1:1-3. See exile allready started otherwise would Daniel go to Babilon by himself? 2 Chron 36:5-6, Jer 52:28-30
Do not believe me, believe bible, go and check out. Also you can investigate all the kings during Nebukadnezzars ruling and line up them in chronologies. WT "logic" is based upon Daniel, who were basing himself on Jeremia... so the real source is Jeremia and what he was talking about. Daniel should be interpreted in the light of Jeremia and other prohphets (authors of Kings etc.) not otherwise. You can't voluntarely choose which part of bible you interpretate by which part. Clear hard parts should be interpreted by eazy parts, and Daniel tells himself HOW he should be interpreted. Will you rely on God to interpretate Scriptures (John 16:13, 1 John 2:26-27) or you is OK that somebody else (who have prooved regulary to change it's mind, change beliefs, mistake) tells you what to believe and think? Start thinking yourself! -
And if you are reading Daniel then I will ask you question just like WT use to ask. Is "Jerusalem" ALLWAYS apply to the city. Or... is there any places in scripture where "Jerusalem" appies to whole God's Israel? Should I provide you with scriptures or you will find themself. Read Isaiah 4:4 does it apply only to the city? Isaiah 8:14 does this apply only to the city? Read Isaiah chapter 52 and in the light of New Testament think if it applies only for the city or for the whole new Israel? Read Isaiah 62 whole chapter, does this apply ONLY to the city? But keep looking in Jeremia and other prophets and see if "Jerusalem" allways applies only to the specified city and never to Israel?
I am talking about that Exile to Babilon started atleast 10 years BEFORE destruction of Jerusalem. Ezekiel is preaching to people of Babilon if you know Ezekiel at all. See ezekiel speaks in 25 year of exile, 14 years AFTER destruction of jerusalem. Simple math 25-14 :)
But this is only ONE small part of scripture which shows that 70years of Exile does not start when Jerusalem were destroyed. Actually ONLY by Scriptures alone it is possible to proove that exile to Babilon started before destruction of Jerusalem. how do you no its 14 years after the destruction were do u get your dates from? -
shazard im waiting for your reply??
I do not get dates, I show you that begining of 70 years is not destruction of Jerusalem OR if it is, then Babilonians were 70+11 yaears (by Ezekiel) it means 81 year in captivity. So which one you choose?
ok desalote means empty that means there was no one there it was total destruction if u like and chronicles 36 v20 and 21 say untill the land had paid of its sabbths all the days of laying desolote it kept its sabbths to fullfill 70 years realy how hard is that to understand there is no need to look for anything else it lay desolte 70 years
You have your facts all wrong. Ezekiel 40:1 uses two time factors establishing the year in which he now receives the Temple Vision as Nisan 10, 593 BCE. This simply means that in 617 BCE marked the time when Jehoiachin and Ezekiel went into exile and counting to the twenty fifth year from that event would count down to 593 BCE. Similarly, if one counts from 607 BCE the year of Jerusalem's destruction, fourteen years then one arrives at 593 BCE.
A partial Babylonian captivity or exile began in 617 but the complete captivity, exile and desolation of Judah described as Jeremiah's 'seventy year' prophecy began in 607. This period of exile-servitude-desolation ended in 537 BCE with the Return of the exiles.
scholar JW
The main issue here is that Jerusalem lost its last REAL King when Pharoh Necho placed a vassel King on the throne, which in effect ceased the line of Davidic kings. Nebuchadnezzar did not become King until 604 BC and soon afterwards took over the Egyptian empire which included Jerusalem. So 604 started the Gentile Times, and if you count 2520 years from that date you arrive at 1917 which was the very year General Allenby liberated Jerusalem. The year just happens to be the year 1335 in the Islamic calender as well, which is spoken of in Daniel 12 as 1335 days.
Another amazing thing that confirms this Biblical prophecy as being authentic is that Allenby in Turkish means PROPHET OF ALLAH, and the Turks were ordered to never surrender the City unless the 'prophet of Allah' came. Coincidence? I don't think so.
The Gentile Times are all about Jerusalem and not some kind of Spiritual Israel. The prophecies about 1917 were proclaimed by a Dr Gratten Guiness way back in the 1800s. It seems as if Russell hung is banner on the wrong post. He was a Zionist and should have gone along with Guiness instead of the Adventist Barbour. But he was also influenced by the Occultist Freemasons.
We are living in a very critical time of Biblical prophecy, but it is all to do with Israel and the revealing of the anti-Christ and then finally Yeshua the King coming back in Glory to gather his people together.
I have gleaned all of this from Christian sources, and was a contributory factor in our leaving the WT false prophets after 50 years.