I don't know if I could've 15 years ago because of having nowhere else to go, but now I know I COULDN'T stay. What about you???
If You Had Internet Access Years Ago----Would You Have Gotten Out Sooner?
by minimus 58 Replies latest jw friends
not sure minimus - 15 years ago I was on my major suck-up/ass kiss and just about to be appointed an elder
We'd had the Internet for two years before I typed in a search for Jehovah's Witnesses. We'd been fading quietly for those two years believing we were committing eternal suicide for ourselves and our children.
The WTBTS propaganda against the Internet had gone in deep.
It was my mother saying 'Never look on the Internet for information on Jehovah's Witnesses!' that made me RUSH home to do my first search. The gates of freedom opened and we've not looked back!
That's why I LOVE the Watchtower telling its inmates not to use the Internet to research their religion.
Say 'don't do it' and you can guarantee that a lot of people will.....
Curiosity killed the WTBTS...or at least it will!
No. I had it years ago.
and had access to books about the JW doctrines etc. (even holding them in a library in my hards, but not willing to read them)
just had to find the truth myself, luckily I found it out on scienfic grounds
My exit out of the bOrg had nothing to do with the internet...it was doing research on what I thought had happened related to 1975 and using my parents bound volumes from the late 60's and early 70's
I knew about the mistakes in chronology and the history of Russell and the others but I ignored it----burying my head in the sand saying, "the lite gets brighter and brighter"....but I knew.
The pieces of the JW puzzle seemed in place some 15 years ago when I was active. I don't think that the internet would have made a difference back then, in my case. I had to experience the JW deception on my own to come out
I had Internet access years before I searched online for anything JW-related, and I was already 99% out when I did.
I'd run into JWs (and also defended the JWs) on other forums, but I actually never *occured* to me that there would be anti-JW websites , let alone that those anti-JW websites would contain the truth. -
As I related in my personal experience, years ago for a couple of months I posted on a forum at Witnesses.net (wonder if any here were there at that time)? Then I was a defender and I think that board then was more defenders than apostates. Posting on those forums was the first exposure I ever had to criticism of the GB, which speaks volumes about the information control of the Org. I feared what I was seeing, so I abandoned reading anything further from opposers for years. I even later related an Assembly experience as an MS about how I had thwarted Satan's attempt to corrupt me through internet apostate influence! What a "fine example" to the young ones I was then.