by stillAwitness 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    All the revenge talk is purely comic relief - it's fun, you're not hurting anyone and it makes you feel better. That's a good thing.

    Out of all the suggests of what you should really do I like Lady Lee's the best.


  • Scully

    Clear out the cabinet whenever she comes over. Put your stuff in an overnight bag and hide it under your bed. Keep your door locked whenever you aren't in your room.

    If she's so cheap that she doesn't want to provide her own toiletries, then let her Borrow™ from your parents' supplies... seeing as how they seem to enjoy enabling the behaviour when it happens to someone else.

    The only thing I'd leave in the cabinet is a tube of Preparation H. You can leave a note on it saying how you always use it to give your lips a freshly botoxed look, and how it makes those fine lines at the corners of your eyes disappear. Then leave some rancid perfume samples to cover up the Prep H stench.

    That was one thing that I detested about so many Pioneers™ I knew. It was as though they had special training in Freeloading when they went to the Pioneer School™.

  • IronClaw

    mix in some itching powder into the cream. Enjoy!!!

  • shark attack
    shark attack


  • willowmoon

    I don't think this is something exclusive to JWs. There are lots of inconsiderate or thoughtless people in this world, people often do careless things that aren't meant to hurt anyone. She may have thought the stuff in the cabinet was to be shared with her.

    I agree with Anewme, when someone is a guest in your home, they should be treated graciously. We expect them to return that behavior, but sometimes they just don't.

    Couldn't you just consider that little bit of lotion a gift to her? Maybe she can't afford to buy it and couldn't resist the temptation to try it but was too embarrassed to ask.

    Why not take your mom up on her offer, buy a bottle of the lotion and give it to your house guest next time she comes over. Or just drop it and forgive her indiscretion -- it's only a little bit of lotion, a small gift that might have helped her feel better about herself.

    Yes, take your stuff out of the cabinet if you're not willing to share it. You'll save yourself a lot of stress.


  • calico

    Couldn't you just consider that little bit of lotion a gift to her? ; Maybe she can't afford to buy it and couldn't resist the temptation to try it but was too embarrassed to ask.

    She said she used half the bottle! Does she have a giant face?! If you take something without being offered or asking first, isn't that cobsidered stealing? That's what I always heard at the meetings and from my parents. So, if a pioneer is stealing--what does that say!

    After thinking about this, I recall a pioneer couple who expected free groceries--even though her husband had a skill and could have gotton a job........

    Also, I know a sis who cuts hair--she is licensed--it's not just a hobby--there was a pioneer who expected free haircuts, a snack while she was getting her hair cut, and she also expected free hair care products! What nerve!

  • calico

    Seriously--just remove your things from the cabinet and leave it at that--she will get the point!

    Willomoon--manners go both ways--why give a thief excuses?!

  • wednesday
    Snooping in the bathroom cabinet is so common. Actually lots of people do it, but would never admit to it. While lots of people would snoop, most would not use things unless they were told they could. I remember a Seinfeld eposide that had him snooping in his girlfriends medicine cabinet , He found a tube of fungal cream. He then became obessed that she has a fungus and was worried he'd catch it (turned out it was for her cat) I have a friend who does this so if I know she is coming, I remove stuff from the bathroom. She is just thinks that if she visits someone house she can snooop in the bathroom and borrow whatever is in the medicine cabinet. She got caught years ago doing this by another sister. This sister then spread it all over the cong that she took her multi-vitamins (b/c she had not had hers that day, so she just thought she'd borrow ) and other stuff. People who do this don't have good boundries and are a tad "off'.I think it is a good idea to remove very personal items from your guest bathroom , b/c people do snoop, though most don't actually use your stuff. Stilla, I'd just clear out the cabinet, and that way if she does not have any toliterties, she will be forced to ask your parents if she can "borrow" things. Just leave in the medicine cabinet empty. She should get the message loud and clear.
  • orangefatcat

    still a witness,

    Gee I don't blame you for being upset, and you stood your ground with your dad and mom and you made very valid objections to someone taking something that doesn't belong to them. Wouldn't that look great on Pioneer sister report that she is a theif..

    I think your points were really great. Good for you.

    I agree that she should pay you back the cream she used, I mean it is only fair and anyway isn't there a scripture that says if you steal you have to return double that which you took. Maybe your father should be reminded of that text. They are trivalizing this yet in reality it is not trival it is important to get this matter fixed.

    Like others suggested taking your things from the cabinet is best, maybe your father could install a cupboard for your personal things, I give it a shot and see what he says.

    keep up the good work



  • Balsam

    I had witnesses stay with me over the years, pioneers too sometimes. I even had some that were down right rude about using our things without permission. I assumed that they would bring their own stuff to use. I learned to remove things that were important to me and keep a small basket of things they could use if they needed too. Lock your stuff up. I think that gal is just plain bad mannered. But so many witnesses are.


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