That's exactly what I was going to say re:the efficiency. Nicely stated.
It is worth remembering also that the haemoglobin of stored, citrated red cells is not fully available for the transfer of oxygen to the tissues for some 24 hours after transfusion (Valtis & Kennedy (1954) Lancet, 1, 119); rapid blood transfusion must therefore be regarded primarily as a mere volume expander in the initial stages.
Are you telling me that the WT in 1980 quoted a publication from 1972, which quoted a publication from 1954? Once you know their literary tricks and re-read the publications applying the same standards that any qualified research journal would, it falls apart.
Scully, thank you for referring to The Appearance of the Dreaded Ellipsis. A phrase aptly coined by our own Jankyn, and now having it's own thread.
Lurkers, search for a thread with this title and "The Appearance of the Dreaded Brackets."