New Light. Do other religions have a chance to change too?

by Jourles 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Jourles

    I have always been impressed with the way the Amish and Mennonites live their lives. If YOU are a person who believes that the bible is indeed the Word of God and should be followed to the letter, then name a couple of other religions that follow the bible as closely as the previous two mentioned. It's tough to do so.

    If you were to look at the doctrines of the two religions above, we all know that they differ from mainstream Christianity just a tad - even more so from JW's. JW's claim that since Jah provides new light to them constantly, they are the only organization on earth that will gain salvation. But JW's do not follow many dictates from the bible. Do sisters braid their hair? Do they wear gold? And so on and so on.

    What if other religions followed the bible more closely than JW's but didn't quite have the doctrines down correctly? Do they have the opportunity to change those doctrines? What if they had a case of "new light" and dumped the Trinity doctrine? What would happen if one of those two religions gradually changed their doctrines to match the core doctrines that the JW's believed in? If this were to happen, how would a JW then be able to point to themselves as the one and only true religion when these other religions are already following the bible to the letter? I have always been curious as to how the WTS would handle this if it were to eventually occur. How would your average JW view it?

  • ozziepost


    Don't worry, it ain't gonna happen!

    We must know by now that what makes the borg so wrong is much more than something as limiting as the Trinity doctrine.

    What makes the Borg so evil is much more than just one doctrine.

    You have your experience of the borg, I have mine, hundreds if not thousands who've posted on JWD alone bear witness to that.

    No, it ain't gonna happen!

    Anyhow, who'd be pope?

  • Jourles


    I know what you're getting at, but the JW's seem to have a lock on the New Light doctrine which "proves" they have Jah's blessing, therefore they are the only true org. But over the next several decades/centuries, would it be possible for other religions to migrate away from their "false" beliefs and change to what JW's believe? Heck, the Catholics did away with meat on Fridays, right? That was HUGE news within JW circles - we always knew they were wrong prior to that and they came clean.

    Why couldn't other religions do the same thing over time?


    I have always been impressed with the way the Amish and Mennonites live their lives.

    What impresses you the most...the child abuse or incest???

    I had a Mennonite tell me that I was an immodest person because I didn't wear long sleeves and dresses to my ankles...really impressed me as the true religion!!! I really think you should do a little more research on these religions...Dateline had a segment on the problems in the Amish community not too long ago.


  • Legolas

    Here is one where they were putting down the catholics!


    Church—Changes and Confusion

    "Many believers are disturbed by the changes imposed upon them." —L’Histoire, July/August 1987.

    "Let one link be broken . . . and the building loses all intelligibility. . . . Place the host [‘the consecrated wafer’ used in the Mass] in the hand instead of upon the lips, and you ‘destroy the faith of many French people.’"—Voyage à l’intérieur de l’Église Catholique.

    "In rejuvenating the liturgy and adopting the local language, the church evidently lost the great majority of churchgoers [who were] attached to certain traditions considered to be inflexible. . . . Suddenly, the sense of obligation snapped, and faith was shaken." —Nord Eclair, April 24-25, 1983.

    THE preceding quotations clearly show the confusion that exists in many Catholic minds. A question keeps coming up: "Our parents and grandparents attended Mass said in Latin and prayed in a particular way. How could this way of doing things become invalid overnight?"

    The church’s new approach toward other religions is also a source of problems. Explains the French daily Le Monde: "Many believers feel swindled. They had been told too many times that their religion was the only true one, or at least the best." True, a great number of Catholics favor the idea of discussions with their "separated brothers," whether Orthodox or Protestant. But this reversal of opinion is not understood by many who were formerly taught that ‘outside the church there is no salvation.’ This new attitude of the church is largely responsible for the schism between the Vatican and the traditionalists, whose spiritual leader, the late archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, was excommunicated by Pope John Paul II in 1988.



    Catholics often express their bewilderment by questioning church authority. Even if John Paul II is appreciated for his stand in favor of world justice, many Catholics refuse to follow the moral precepts he advocates in his public speeches. Thus, a large proportion of Catholic couples use methods of contraception condemned by the church. Others practice abortion.

    Church authority is being called into question at all levels. The fact that the pope and other high prelates have taken a particular stand on a subject has not prevented the laity, the priests, and even the bishops from contradicting them. The book La Réception de Vatican II explains: "From this point of view, the situation created by the council has extended into church life. The Roman Catholic Church is now the seat of permanent, heated arguments. Even the pope’s recommendations are debated and very often criticized. The number of Roman Catholics saying that they are unable to make certain pontifical statements their own—in part or in full—is increasing."

    Some Catholics have accepted the changes out of faithfulness to the church and continue to practice its rites. Others feel disturbed about the situation and are content to live as fringe members of the church. According to present statistics, there is also a substantial third group of nominal Catholics who fail to support the church any longer.

    Religious confusion is not confined to the Catholic Church in France. In the Netherlands too, crises have arisen for Catholics and Protestants alike, as our next article will explain.

  • Jourles
    What impresses you the most...the child abuse or incest???

    The same can be said for all religions. What I meant was that they impressed me as far as following the bible almost in a literal way. Compared to JW's, they follow the bible more to the letter. Whereas the JW's follow what suits them at the moment - or they twist a scripture around to fit their ideology. For example, who is more "separate from the world," the JW's who basically blend in, or the M/A's?

  • ozziepost

    Yep, Jourles, i can see your point but I feel there are a number of reasons why it can't (won't?) happen.

    Apart from what was said above, there's this to consider:

    Christianity is the religion - there are a number of denominations and sects, as well as the Roman Catholic church which all claim to be such. If any of 'them' moved their beliefs closer to the Dubs they would simply be yet another denomination or sect. You wouldn't have the whole moved their teachings, just a part of the whole.

    As an aside, many of the so-called differences between the dubs and christian churches are non-existent, a figment of the Writing Department's over-active imagination! Remember they have to highlight differences in order to differentiate themselves in the 'religion' marketplace. Moral stances, for example, are no different in my church to that of the dubs. Perhaps the only difference is that it's not enforced externally by the elders but internally from the heart. Still, ask the average dub about morals in "the churches" and they would say they are condoning of various types of immorality. Perhaps some are, but not the ones I know!


    "separate from the world," It depends on what you mean by that term. If you are a Christian and follow Jesus then you will fellowship with the world...eating with sinners, etc. If you go by the "Old Testament" then you will isolate yourself like the Israelites did. I would say the latter would make you less Christian...


  • yaddayadda

    A strong case can be made that Christians should practice fasting too. Have you ever heard of a JW fasting?

  • Hellrider
    What if other religions followed the bible more closely than JW's but didn't quite have the doctrines down correctly? Do they have the opportunity to change those doctrines? What if they had a case of "new light" and dumped the Trinity doctrine? What would happen if one of those two religions gradually changed their doctrines to match the core doctrines that the JW's believed in?

    The JWs do NOT have the correct doctrines. I know that many JWs still believe in many of the JW-doctrines, but that`s just because they still haven`t studied the Bible thoroughly. The JWs are wrong about almost everything. The one thing they are close on, is that they put emphasis on the ressurection, which is correct. But they are wrong about the soul, the afterlife, the trinity, the 144K,everything. But to understand that, one has to study the Bible, with no JW-glasses on.

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