Ah yes!
"The Time is at hand" - one sign of false Christs and false prophets. (Luke 21:8)
by TheListener 35 Replies latest watchtower bible
Ah yes!
"The Time is at hand" - one sign of false Christs and false prophets. (Luke 21:8)
Our SM was always on a Thursday or Friday nite, so by then all the hotels were usually booked, even the bad ones, so we'd have to book a spot on the horribly uncomfortable, hot and bumpy school bus and listen to people that don't know how to sing go through the song book!
Then we wised up and got in contact with a friend or relative that had their SM on Tuesday and get the hotel numbers and book early.
My poor parents - the money they must have had to spend on those three days, hotels, food etc for 5 people! I wonder if the Society got kick backs for having certain hotels on the "approved" list?
Talk about a "Snare and a Racket"!!!!!
Song 5 All Cweation Pwaise Jehobah (to be sung like Elmer Fudd.)
Note: Congregations are not to move their Service Meeting for the week of January 2 to an earlier night unless the circuit overseer is visiting because he needs to know the best hotel possible. In every congregation, the convention insert should be considered on the Service Meeting as scheduled, otherwise we cannot control your sorry asses effectively. If there is a circuit assembly this week, book study overseers should announce the convention location and dates at their regularly scheduled book studies or else. A copy of the Recommended Lodging List should be made available by the Congregation Book Study overseer so he can forget to bring it to the meetings and those in attendance cannot write down the hotel phone numbers for making their reservations. However, copies of the list should not be made for publishers because its hilarious to watch the pathetic losers scribble hotel phone numbers all over the back of the Field Service Report slips.
5 min: Local announcements. Remember to remind publishers of memorable reminders they might need reminding about.
15 min: "Make Wise Use of Our Babel-Based Literature." * Include comments on the September 2002 Our Kingdom Ministry, page 1. paragraph 2, word 3; “of”. Spend all 14 minutes explaining the origin of the word and its significance in making wise use “of” our Babel-Based literature.
25 min: "2006 'Deliverance at Ham' Dip-stick Convention of Jehovah's Nitwit-nesses." * To be mishandled by the congregation secretary. After considering paragraph 1, read the December 15, 2005 convention assignment letter, you know, the one the P.O.’s wife has been reading to her friends over the phone for a week. Encourage all to make their convention estrangements as soon as plausible.
Song 48 Give Jehovah the Mayonnaise and concluding prayer.
* Limit introductory comments to less than a lifetime, and follow with a question-and-answer concussion.
After the "15 min: "Make Wise Use of Our Bible-Based Literature." * Include comments on the September 2002 Our Kingdom Ministry, page 1[,]" please insert a 1.5 minute fart blast from yours truly courtesy of the cabbage, broccoli, and eggs I consumed that day.
To be mishandled by the congregation secretary.
Oh man, I thought the previous threads about 'Deliverance at Hand' was just being factious! at hand when? right around the corner I suppose, as usual. same old.
read the December 15, 2005 convention assignment letter, you know, the one the P.O.’s wife has been reading to her friends over the phone for a week.
Ain't that the truth! I always wondered how everyone had a room just after the letter was read. I thought they were calling from the KH. I thought every one played fair. Then I found out different when I was around 24. Many elders and their wives have a sense of entitlement; that some how they DO MORE that the rank and file and deserve certain perks.
I just learned how to find out when the convention was way beforehand and then called my favorite hotel and reserved a room.
**Side question*** Does anyone know for sure that the rooms are cheaper through the Society (at the same hotel) than if you get them on your own? I always got a great discount through my job.
Some elders even reserved rooms for their friends. I was sick of staying far away. Then I'd use priceline and get a better rate for the place across the street. I guess I wasn't very spiritual but I sure got to sleep in and save $$$. Bad me, bad me!
Wow -- I never experienced waiting for the hotel list as I always lived close to the covention site. Never realized it was a big deal.
I know for sure, from my dad who was the rooming coordinator for District Conventions hosted in Albany, GA for several years, the rooms are cheaper through a LOT of different discount plans. I know people have complained they could have gotten better rates with AAA membership cards or AARP benefits cards.
They make sure everyone is encouraged to use the "arranged lodging facilities" at the "arranged rates" because if they can't sell the whole block one year they double-book rooms when JWs come back the next year, counting on some of the other guests being JWs who aren't using the arranged rate plans.
The other reason is because it is easier to arrange low rates the following year if they have a lot of rooms blocked AND FILLED for their event. So if we arranged to overfill rooms under the JW plan one year en masse, it would "help" them the next year (and they would block WAY more rooms)—the following year, we could lay off the rooms entirely, even offer to pay for relatives to stay somewhere else (if we can afford it)...it would DESTROY their ability to barter the following year. Possibly even causing the venue to move.
Anytime we can move on something that causes them to change their plans, it helps defeat them.