***Also DB, how do you think a document like this would stand in the UK courts? Surely, no one else is stupid enough to ask their members, employees, or members of their organization to give them access to their medical information in an emergency. They might want a company DOCTOR to look at their notes, but surely not a window cleaner/ car salesman / toilet cleaner / insurance salesman / electrician ....etc. Surely this in itself would invalidate the document simply for the facts that a) as we've noticed, some of the JWs don't understand or even notice this part and b) the HLC members are not qualified to give out medical information especially misrepresented information***
Please help us to fill out our Blood card!
by Gill 33 Replies latest watchtower medical
DB - So its very much like 'surgery', any one can operate on you as long as you have signed a consent form?
But, would a doctor be forced to listen to the HLC members and be unable to have them removed from the 'discussion' over the patient. Would they have rights to be involved in the decision over treatment? (The HLC members)
The person who is provided with consent is the only person or body of persons who can assess those records and yes it matters not who is provided with this consent.
The whole thing smells fishy to me though; i.e the lack of explanation; the need for access to confidential records and wholesale lack of any particular need for this causes my warning bells to be ringing for my mothers sake.
I am just very glad that she has put my name in and scrubbed out the HLC part.
DB74 -
DB - You have a very sensible mother, (apart from the being willing to bleed to death part). My parents would not cross out the HLC part. They have decided that it is, 'direction for their protection from Jehovah!'