cameo-d.....Rig Boy was one out of some 15 sock puppets for Ianone, who is banned for spamming, for posting antisemitic bigotry, for linking to white supremacist websites, for posting as Lawrence Hughes (causing many here to think falsely that Lawrence was an antisemite), repeatedly abusing the registration process, etc. He must have broken half of the posting rules and probably has been banned here more than anyone else.
Here is a partial list of known aliases for this poster: Ianone, Gumbley, Stampy, rexcramer, Wayne Gretzky, Cracker_Jacker, Rogger Rabbit, Rebelly Yelly, Remmy Pete, Luke Skywalker, Ricky Ray, ianone_rigboy_blue_truth_about_the_truth_Gumbley, Carnie, Beacon of Truth, Informant, etc.