At first I didn't because I wasn't quite sure about the WTS whether it was truly evil or not though it appeared to be that way ie evil. But when the internet came out and I became sure about their evil nature I did talk to others about them more in the vein: the leadership is evil but the R&F are their deceived victims and drove at least two persons away from them.
Did you criticise/expose the WTS after leaving?
by greendawn 31 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I started complaining long before I left and never stopped after. My wife gets madd when I call it the Witchtower Babble & Trick Society. "WE HAVE THE TRUTH" just say it long enough and you will believe it.
Oh! Yes! I met a sister while grocery shopping....and I told her I no longer wanted to be JW because of the pedophile issue...she said she had watched Dateline the day it was shown and was disturbed by what she had heard but the brothers had set her straight on the matter. She ask me if I had investigated it and I said Yes and as far as I am concerned the WTS is guilty of covering up for child molestors and punish the victims. The sister had an open mind so I could talk to her freely. I told her to check out Ray Franz book COC at the local Lib. She then said she had been told he was difellowshipped because he was having adulterous affairs. I told her that is slander from anyone who says that about Ray Franz. Someone else told me it was because he wanted to be like a God and enjoyed the worship from the members of the R and File. Where in the world do these rumours come from?
Anyway we parted with a hug....and I told her to keep an open mind as the organization doesn't want her to know the truth, that is why they put fear into it's members about apostates and going on the Internet.
G Money
I try to complain and educate but it is like talking to a wall. even trying to get agreement on common points gets me nowhere as when they see I'm trying to attack their religion by reasoning with them they'll suddenly claim ignorance or say they don't believe that or say well that was how it used to be or my elders are not like that. They are all brainwashed and in denial.
Even a good buddy who has faded and smokes and lives with his girlfriend cringes when I imply anything unflattering about the witnesses. Nobody wants to know the truth as then you have to admit you were duped and dumb. That is the first step in recovery after stopping all the propaganda and control and constant bombardment of BS at the meetings. -
Frannie Banannie
Well it took me 10 years after I left to find the truth and believe me - I talk about it as much as I can
ROFLMAO, Lady Lee!!!! MUAHHH!!
I was out shopping today. I talk to the cashier. (with all these kids, I'm at the grocery store a lot) She said she had some witnesses stop by, and they talked for two hours. They are coming back tomorrow. Thank goodness there was no one behind me in line. I told her as much as I could, gave her a lot of things to ask. She said, oh no, how can they teach these things. I just told her, ask them.
So yes, I critices and try to expose them for what they truely are. Yes, I do love the people. I love my family, I miss some of my friends. If I had it my way, they would be freed.
When I was leaving, I thought of you all here. Had to give you a thanks.
I didn't so much try to expose the Watch Tower TO the Witness people. I tried to warn the general public ABOUT the Witness people. The Witness people don't need any help, they're the problem. All they have to do is open their own books and their own eyes. They have to climb over a mountain of disconfirmations, abused children, and broken families just to get inside of their Kingdom Halls.
The Witness children are victims but they don't need information thrown at them. They know they have a problem.
The more I read these forums and talk to former Witnesses, the more I think the people who need the most help are the ex Witnesses and not necessarily the new exited. I constantly read about adult children of Witness parents exposing their children to Witness grandparents. I think this is the single most dangerous thing I see anywhere. It's like giving the kids a bomb to play with that has a time delay fuse.
I see former Witnesses being shunned and snubbed by Witness parents and Witness relatives, who deliver their children right to the Witness grandparents. I see people who know better still do it. 10 years from now they will be back crying . . . "Help!!!! My children are shunning me!".
They use the children for door stops. They say allowing the Witnesses access to their children "keeps the door open". They are sacrificing the children so they can look at their parents who are shunning them. They say if it weren't for my children, I'd never see my parents. They haven't accepted their parents are jerks and abusers.
They are SO drawn to those who reject them that they offer their precious children to try once more to get acceptance from those who have always rejected them in the past.
Is this the cycle we can't break? Is acceptance from the Witnesses so enticing, so desirable, that we keep offering up our children to the Watch Tower sacrificial altar? -
I was recently told during bible (scripture here/there) study that anything negative about the society was apostate. I asked but what if the evil apostate backs his/her evil claims with concrete facts?
All I got was an incoherent tirade about postates mixin truth with lies, and artfully contrived stories - After which I said, ok but what if the postate backs his/her evil claims with concrete facts?
More sputtering/NWT flippin serious eye contact, boy you need help speech,
Ok but what if ...........never mind, see you at the meeting,
Every day I wake up and try to do something to expose the wrong teachings. Every, single day. I will succeed.
I tell everyone who is interested how they divide families. Since I was df'd many years ago I
have joined another church. The people cannot believe how my siblings and children shun me
from leaving the J.W's They comment that it not a very loving organization. My parents died
shunning me. What a cult.