Because religion is big business!
Free2beme Right on the money,,,,,,,,,,,,Pun intended
by Vormek2.8 14 Replies latest jw friends
Because religion is big business!
Free2beme Right on the money,,,,,,,,,,,,Pun intended
I wanted to add this:
He created the universe and all that is in it to "show forth His glory" it says.It was work He was satisfied with, cause after He did it He stated, "It is good." (Remember we are reading an translation, he might have said something more like, "Out-of -site! I'm really pleased with that" in our language) He then put us here to enjoy it, appreciating the craft and beauty of it. He loves us and wanted to share it all with us.
Like an earthly father,or an artist/creator, he naturally wants the love, the respect, the appreciation for what he has done. I don't think that's egomanical. It's pretty simple and basic. He doesn't require us to grovel or walk on our knees or spend X number of hours "Out-in-service" that's all the contrivances of man's religion. He asks that we live according to what He knows is best for us, is that unreasonable? We don't think so with our kids. If we tell our kids that if they persue a course it will kill them, we try to keep them from harm, but when they are of age, they get to make the decision ultimately. That doesn't make us bad, horrible parents if they choose death does it? We're not the monsters cause they choose to disobey.
That's what is playing out here. Will humans choose to obey God? Most want to stamp their little foot and live contrary to designed intentions and then curse God for not letting them "get away with it." (making them reap the consequences of what they are doing). They want to be their own God. It won't work-the position is taken!
Questions like this can be answered accurately with some radical inner investigation.
Sit and bring together all of your beliefs and thoughts regarding God. Silently watch the mind as it weaves it's ideas of "God", and then acutely feel and see how this creation is injected with power. Power?
The only power available to the god within the mind is that which is given it through personal identification. In other words, our cherished little god requires and receives our attention, time and worship because it has become an intrical piece of who we believe ourselves to be; and as such, motivates strong instincts of self preservation. It's all a charade. Nothing we think our Source or ourselves to be, is real.
Nothing spoken or thought is in anyway the Reality such actions attempt to hold and convay. When it comes to Truth/Reality/Actuality/God, it's important to be still of all words and thoughts, so that what pervades be clearly realized.
I appreciate the diversity of beliefs on JWD. And there's really no way to refute the "God knows more than you do, and that's why it's ok" argument. I personally reject it, but on what basis? I don't know. Just doesn't sit right with me, doesn't fit with the other evidence. But direct refutation? I don't think it's possible.
It bothers me too. The reason is that it covers everything. Yes, God appears to be a petty tyrant but he says he knows more than we do, so there must be some explanation. It's a weak excuse based on a presumption that God exists and is all-good. The evidence suggests otherwise (on both counts) but for believers the presumption always trumps the evidence.
Every brutal dictator in history has demanded worship. It's in thier nature because they are narcissistic.