Does the wtachtower baptise the mentally ill ? It sure seems like it with all the new freaks here making claims of being prophets and Jesus etc.....Is this how low they will go to get their numbers up ? It really makes me wonder.......
Watchtower baptises mentally ill ?
by oldflame 20 Replies latest jw friends
We don't know for sure these are baptized JWs, oldflame. And if they are, we don't know that they aren't adopting a "strange" persona for their own entertainment here on JWD.
Everyone who is mentally isn't necessarily acting out. Many mentally ill people function very well in the world at large.
An elder body would decide if a certain individual is mentally capable of making the decision of dedication by baptism. Were this individual to fall into sin as a result of being mentally incapable of distinquishing right from wrong would be a factor in their decision.
I knew four JWs who were mentally ill that were baptized. All are on a government disability because of their illness. One of them was also a child molester.
They baptized me twice, that ought to answer that question.
Ken P.
We had several people who were mentally ill that got baptised in our cong. One of our elders was unstable to the point that he tried 3 times to kill himself. They still haven't removed him, they are afraid he'll take it bad!!
We had a couple of mentally ill people in my old baptized and one studying and attending meetings regularly. They were both schizophrenic.
If you count depression then they baptize mentally ill people all the time (myself included!)
This is a very interesting topic. So now we have someone with possible diminished capacity who gets baptized and is thus eligible for DFing. Sad.
Undecided, were you baptized on 2 separate occassions or did you just float the first time they tried to dunk you? I floated the first 2x and they had to dunk me a 3rd before it took...but that was all on the same day. How about those (non-mentally ill) folks who "fall away", return, and get rebaptized? It seems as though the rules allow for the possibility that someone may have not been making the vow with their full heart.
So weird that you brought this up. I was today working on some school stuff at a clincal site for mentally ill, and I overhear in the hallway "are you a Jehovah's Witness?" "no, but I'm thinking of getting baptized", and on and on. I wanted to run out and say "don't do it!" This was a conversation amongst mentally ill members of this clinical site. Anyway, strange to come home and read your posting.
Does the wtachtower baptise the mentally ill?
Does a snake crawl on it's belly? How else do you explain the GB?