Thank you for the replies. I find them all profoundly interesting!
by Dansk 53 Replies latest jw friends
Thank you for the replies. I find them all profoundly interesting!
Sogyal Rinpoche asks a similar question in his book (page 89): “Where does consciousness come from? It cannot arise out of nowhere. A moment of consciousness cannot be produced without the moment of consciousness that immediately preceded it.”
LOL. Human megalomania at its best. How can the Universe ever continue to exist without my noble self?
Pole:Can you address the subject, or are you too busy being full of your own [low] opinion of others in this life to care?
Little Toe wrote:
Can you address the subject, or are you too busy being full of your own [low] opinion of others in this life to care?
I think you're overreacting. And you are being judmental about me too, whatever the reason. I can't see how I'm being "full of my own opinion of others". I commented on the opinion of the guy quoted (Sogyal Rinpoche). I had never heard of him, before coming across his words quoted by Dansk. Plus, the comment I made about human megalomania is to some extent valid about myself too (since I'm human too - surpise, surprise). So could you explain how I'm being "full of low opinion of others"?
I wrote a little explanation of my view on the subject, since my English is apparently too obscure to understand in a single attempt, but then I thought it makes little sense to elaborate on my own ironic comment. Ok, whatever, enjoy the discussion, megalomaniacs.
I'm yanking your chain again
Meglomanic is a bit extreme. Egotistical might be nearer the mark. But that having been said, some of the humblest people I've ever met believe in reincarnation (incidentally, isn't the concept of "resurrection" a one-off version of reincarnation?)
I'm yanking your chain again
I know, and you're good at it!
Meglomanic is a bit extreme. Egotistical might be nearer the mark. But that having been said, some of the humblest people I've ever met believe in reincarnation (incidentally, isn't the concept of "resurrection" a one-off version of reincarnation?)
I am not saying it's something inherently bad. It's part of our survival instinct. If we honestly assessed all the risks involved in leaving our homes every day, most of us would rather stay at home after all. I believe the same kind of harmeless (and somtimes even useful self-delusion) is at work when we try to deal with the most fundamental issues of our existence.We just can't step out of the sandbox of our personal universe contained in the brain and imagine the general universe without us. For me it's quite simple. I have no problems with accepting that nobody was bothered by my conscious self before my physical birth. Why shouldn't it be any different after my physical death? Or why should it be different for such a diehard materialist with no transcendental communication skills or previous life memories as myself?
The above gives a link to Sogyal Rinpoche's website. I post it here for your (and other's) interest.
I should hope we don't get off-topic here. I'm interested in learning what people think about rebirth and reincarnation and if they can explain how, for example, the two people I referred to above recognised events/people from "former lives". I believe we are all interconnected in some way via the Universe (the vigils held on my behalf work, I believe, because of this).
Pole: So how do you undertand the events related in this thread? Incidentally, I've never had any experience of past lives, either. While I keep an open mind on the subject I can't say that I especially believe in them, though the anecdotal comments above certainly give pause for thought.
However, the fact that one, usually, wakes up from unconsciousness means one's consciousness is reactivated. Couldn't this be just the consciousness flowing again after its temporary blip?
Yes, and I think that's what it is although I wouldn't necessarily describe it that way. However, that explanation - and indeed the observed phenomenon of loss of consciousness - is not easily compatible with the statement that a "moment of consciousness cannot be produced without the moment of consciousness that immediately preceded it.”
I'm still particularly fascinated by the two stories cited, the little girl's, especially, is not unique. How could she possibly name all those relatives correctly?
I don't know. My best guess would be that she didn't. For all I know, it could have been a hoax or the story could just have been made up. Many such cases turn out to be explainable without resorting to the supernatural. (Of course, a JW could explain it by claiming the girl was demon-possessed and the demon pretended to be the dead girl so yours is not the only supernatural possibility to consider.)
Personally, I've never found anything that wasn't easier to explain by neurons than rebirth. The few scant examples of rebirth are generally unconvincing, and can often be explained in simpler ways...... On the other hand, maybe it's just my first time around.