My ex-husband, still a JW, and I were having a rare phone conversation about our girls. It was surprisingly amicable until he sadly said, "you know, all I ever wanted was for my girls to be pioneers." I burst out laughing and said, "that's ALL?" I could not stop was the funniest, most simplistic parental plan I heard in a long time. He angrily and righteously says, "Oh, you may be laughing now, but...(pause for emphasis)...soon...(pause) won't be." I hung up on him, still laughing.
See, here it is folks, they SAY they don't think they are superior to anyone, they SAY they don't gloat at the impending destruction of others, they SAY they don't know who will be destroyed and who won't...BUT when push comes to shove, they say how they really feel.