I was in the town this morning and saw a little cluster of JWs leaving the kingdom hall, clutching their ministry bags, eager to go out into the field service.... well, maybe eager isn’t quite the right word...
Anyway, I thought to myself - how many people will they convert today? One, two, a whole family? The more obvious answer is none at all. You only have to look at the negative growth (love that phrase -negative growth - why cant they just call it a decline? Putting the word growth in implies something positive, what is positive about negativity??) Looking at the decline shows that the preaching work is not working, it is ineffective and is well past its sell by date.
I then began to think about all the members in my local congregation and what it was that brought them into the organisation..... was it the door to door preaching work that they place so much importance and emphasis on? As I recalled faces and histories I realised that there was only one family that I was aware of that came into the organisation purely due to the witnessing work, and that was a case of street witnessing too, not even door to door work... I realised that a large proportion of the congregation had been brought up as JWs. Some others had been introduced to the religion via friendships with JWs, i.e. workmates, therefore this would have been informal witnessing at work, again not door to door... A few families who were relatively new to the congregation were ‘late returners’, they had been in before and had drifted away, they were aware of the religion before.
So, all this got me thinking.... if this door to door work is so vital - how come it is not working?
I remember talking to an elder about the ineffectiveness of the ministry and he said even if it is not bringing people in it shows our heart condition to God, it shows our willingness...... he said that it could be possible that everyone in our area that would come in were already in, maybe there wasn’t any more potential witnesses out there....
My question is - if the door to door work is indeed blessed by God and is under the direction of Jesus Christ - how come it is falling flat on its face? Just how many people are coming into the organisation purely because of the door to door work?