What have Jehovah's Witnesses made known?

by joelbear 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • joelbear

    after a century of preaching and selling literaturature what do people know about the JW's message

    they don't take blood transfusions

    they don't celebrate birthdays

    they don't celebrate christmas

    that's it. that's what people have learned out of all this effort. they have no clue about 1914, faithful and discreet slaves, paradise earth, Jehovah's plan for salvation, etc.

    nope, this is the good news of the kingdom that has stuck in people's heads.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    They are, as Paul stated 'coming with a different sort of good news'.

    To them, the good news is that you today are worthy to hear us at your door, take our lit, and get saved. They forgot that it was in 'the Name of Jesus that salvation' is attained.

    You are right Joelbear, they have not added much of worth to the religious landscape in 125 yrs have they?


  • Elsewhere

    They have made known that they believe that the world could end within an unknown period of time in the future. If you want to be confident that you might survive then you need to do and believe everything the WTS tells you.

  • Seeking Knowledge
    Seeking Knowledge
    they don't take blood transfusions

    they don't celebrate birthdays

    they don't celebrate christmas

    That's all I ever knew about them and my ex NEVER talked to me about his beliefs. Of course, it wasn't until we had a kid that I learned a bit more. I asked him why he didn't do birthdays/christmas and all I got was a shrug, he wasn't interested in getting into it with me. More like he didn't really know why and couldn't explain it to me

  • Mary

    Thanks to the "Slave", the entire world now knows that Jehovah's Witnesses also harbour pedophiles.

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute
    They have made known that they believe that the world could end within an unknown period of time in the future. If you want to be confident that you might survive then you need to do and believe everything the WTS tells you.

    nicely put... because that's the exact answer you will get when discussing witness beliefs with a witness. legally, they have to be vague. they have no assurance of salvation because they mock the born-agains for this. they may claim to question and even do research on what they read in the watchtower, but the only research they do is in other watchtower or watchtower-related material.


  • Woodsman

    The only questions they ask are the ones at the bottum of the page.

    So the only answers they have are the ones the FDS wants them to have since the FDS wrote the questions.

    That is why most JWs don't know as much as the Ex JWs do about JWs.

    They constantly ask the same questions and cite the same scriptures.

    They use scriptures to support all kinds of wild statements that the scriptures don't support at all.

    But nobody ever calls them on it.

    The go on and on with the extra Biblical comments at the meetings and are never challenged.

    The seek people at the doors who don't read the Bible.

    If you do read the Bible and invite them in to do so without WT literature they will likely run refuse. I have seen it.

    There are so many scriptures that contradict their doctrines but they don't know they are there because the WTS never cites them.

  • TMS

    They have made known that God's name is Jehovah or something similar in an individual language. Of course, the exact pronunciation of the name is lost. What matters, though, is that we use a name for God, something common in one's language. This makes us a "people for his name."

    Does that make any sense at all?


  • gumby
    nope, this is the good news of the kingdom that has stuck in people's heads.

    Ask people in general what Jehovahs Witnesses teach....then ask them what they feel most christian churches teach. The things they would mention for a witness are "abstinate" type of things eg; blood, birthdays, holidays, etc. With christendom, at least Jesus name would fit in the picture somewhere in their answer.

    Witnesses can't present their message with any impact because it doesn't fit with the familiarity people already have of the bible. It's a foreign one.


  • Honesty

    What have Jehovah's Witnesses made known?

    That Jehovah is a vengeful, wrathful God hellbent on destroying the human race because over 6 billion people refuse to submit to the Governing Body's claim that they are God's voice.

    Pretty good witness about God don'tcha think?

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