Thanks guys and thanks for the welcome. I think many of you made some good points and like Daniel said, it will be up to us to take care of them. I even see my siblings heading in the same direction (except for one). Going from job to job, many times working for "brothers" who provide no health insurance or pension benefits (they live in the Northwest where JW construction and maintenance businesses are common) meanwhile they're the first to volunteer for quick builds, seldom worked territory, etc. They never make decisions based on the long-term. Decisions are made at the whim and to satisfy present needs and desires.
Anyway lately my mother has been fixated on selling all her antiques and family heirlooms to make money (my dad is very ill and had to stop working). It's really quite sad. Another thing that angers me is that a few months ago they went into debt again to buy a mini-van so that they can use it for thier rural field service territory. My dad is ill, my mom is working at a few dollars above minimum wage and all they can think about is serving their retarted religion.
Oh and one more thing, an article in my college newspaper in October featured a bethelite "sister" who is attending my school to study political science and woman issues (um what's wrong with this picture???), she had won an award. Anyway a friend of mine knows her, she lives at bethel with her husband who is a bethel dentist. How much do you want to bet that Bethel is paying for her education?
It's just so f#@$% wrong. I hate the religion and I anxiously await their demise.