When kingdom come

by Jake99 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Jake99

    Christ will have been among this world, and yet not of this world, under a veil of secrecy, in a world of hypocricy. A child like no other, in a bubble, with a suit of armor, direct from the mountain and born in its peaks. Rich beyond belief from the start, as if armed for bear, in the body of a lion in a world of lesser men. He will perform like no other, as if he had wings and divine knowledge, being great at all things. His six siblings will sing like angels and perform many miracles and prophecies as well.

    The messiah's leadership demonstration will be so extensive, elusive and perfect as to not be found flawed or noticed. That is to say that he will perform many miracles and prophecies in front of many people without being revealed. He will be tested in ways that prove who he is, rather than who he is not, and it will all be recorded this time in the documents and minds where it was not understood. He comes like a theif in the night speaking in shoes that have only been worn by Christ.

    After the superior leadership demonstrations he will step forward with a bow and arrows in a chariot of fire and challenge the very elect to disprove his claim of being the christ. They will put him on trial and mock him and beat him, but he feels not the pain, but rather the joy. He sheds his blood on the cross that he built, so mans sins could be forgiven. And then he comes back and says here I am, down from the cross you nailed me to, look not to the empty tomb for I am risen. Follow me he says and it will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Who shall be first to awaken and stand behind such a man that says he can fix it all in the twinkling of an eye?

  • peacefulpete

    You possess a gift for words.

    I for some reason thought of Beowulf when reading it.

    ..................Almighty God

    had raised his strength,

    advanced it over all men.

    His spirit, his heart,

    grew blood thirsty.

    He gave no rings

    to Danes who pursued glory.

    Joyless he went on,

    struggling on as a long-lasting

    affliction. Learn from this

    and understand manly virtues.

    I, old and wise in winters,

    tell you this

    for your sake.

    It is wonderful to say

    how mighty God through

    His wisdom and large heart

    distributes land and rank

    to the race of men.

    He controls all.

    Sometimes out of love

    He gives a man wisdom,

    great among his kin,

    gives him a home,

    the joy of the earth,

    gives him control

    of a fortress of men,

    a wide kingdom in the world,

    so that the man

    in his un-wisdom

    does not think about the end.

    He lives in plenty;

    neither disease nor age

    live with him;

    his mind is not darkened

    with evil worries,

    nor does enmity

    bring about war.

    All the world

    turns to his will--

    he does not know worse--

    but then arrogance grows;

    the guardian of his soul

    sleeps. That sleep is

    too heavy, bound with affliction,

    and the killer very near

    who shoots his bow

    with evil intent.

    Then he is hit

    in the heart,

    beneath his armor,

    with a bitter arrow--

    he cannot guard himself

    against the perverse commands

    of his accursed spirit.

    Then what he has long held

    seems too little; angry-minded,

    he covets, never proudly giving

    gold rings, and he forgets

    and neglects the future

    state because God the Ruler

    of Glory has given him

    a great deal of honors.

    In the end it comes to pass

    that the body, on loan,

    declines, falls fated. Another,

    who recklessly dispenses

    treasure, one who does not

    hold it in terror, seizes

    the warrior's ancient possessions.

    Beloved Beowulf, best of warriors,

    protect yourself against that

    wickedness and choose better,

    eternal councils. Do not heed

    arrogance, famous champion!

    Now is your strength famous. . .

    for awhile. Soon after

    it shall happen that disease,

    or the sword's edge, shall

    cut off your strength.

    Or maybe the fire's embrace,

    or the flood's welling,

    or the grip of the sword,

    or the arrow's flight,

    or dire age. . . Bright eyes

    do diminish and go dark.

    Straightway death will overpower you, warrior.

    Thus I have ruled under the clouds

    the prosperous Danes a hundred half-years,

    and by war have protected them

    against many nations

    throughout this middle earth

    with spears and edges,

    so that under heaven's expanse

    I could think of no enemies.

    Lo, a reverse came to me--

    in my home--sadness after joy

    when the old adversary Grendel

    invaded. I have continually

    carried worry over that visitation.

    Therefore, thanks to the Creator,

    the Eternal Lord, that I have

    remained in life to gaze with

    my eyes at the blood-stained head

    after that old contention!

    Go now to your seat,

    feast in joy, you who are

    distinguished in battle.

    We shall share

    a great many treasures

    before morning comes."

  • misspeaches

    And then I said...

    FIVE DOLLARS!?!?!!? Get outta here!!!!!

  • Rooster



    Concerning this, the prophet Zechariah, at the time of the rebuilding of Jehovah’s temple in ancient Jerusalem, was inspired by God to write: "This is what Jehovah of armies has said, ‘It will yet be that peoples and the inhabitants of many cities will come; and the inhabitants of one city will certainly go to those of another, saying: "Let us earnestly go to soften the face of Jehovah and to seek Jehovah of armies. I myself will go also." And many peoples and mighty nations will actually come to seek Jehovah of armies in Jerusalem and to soften the face of Jehovah.’ This is what Jehovah of armies has said, ‘It will be in those days that ten men out of all the languages of the nations will take hold, yes, they will actually take hold of the skirt of a man who is a Jew, saying: "We will go with you people, for we have heard that God is with you people."’"—Zechariah 8:20-23.


    The limited fulfillment that this prophecy had in connection with the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem, starting in the days of Zerubbabel, pointed forward to a far grander fulfillment in our day. In connection with what people? Surely it would not be reasonable for those who "seek Jehovah" to turn to people who superstitiously refuse even to pronounce God’s name, as do the natural Jews who cling to their traditional worship. Nor to Christendom, which imitates the Jewish custom of avoiding the use of the divine name. It is not to earthly Jerusalem that people in our day are turning to worship Jehovah. As Jesus foretold, God abandoned his temple there, and it was destroyed in 70 C.E., never to be rebuilt down to this day. This indicates to any reasonable person that God is not with non-Christian Israel.—Matthew 23:37, 38; compare 1 Kings 9:8, 9.


    The "Jerusalem" that today represents Jehovah is described at Hebrews 12:22 as "a city of the living God, heavenly Jerusalem." Even as ancient Jerusalem was a visible symbol of Jehovah’s rulership, the "heavenly Jerusalem" is God’s Messianic Kingdom in which Jesus Christ was enthroned as King at the end of the Gentile Times in 1914. (1 Chronicles 29:23; Luke 21:24) That government has representatives here on earth, those who are loyally proclaiming it as the only sure hope of mankind. The first ones to announce that the Kingdom had been established in 1914 were the remaining ones of the "little flock." These are "the Israel of God," spiritually speaking. They are the spiritual ‘Jews’ concerning whom Zechariah prophesied. (Luke 12:32; Galatians 6:16; Romans 2:28, 29) Since 1931, because of their love for God and their appreciation of the responsibility to make known that Jehovah is the true and Almighty God, they have adopted the name Jehovah’s Witnesses.—Isaiah 43:10-12.




    As a result of the fact that these spiritual Jews have faithfully fulfilled their responsibility as Jehovah’s Witnesses, millions of sincere persons around the globe have been helped to "seek Jehovah." They have come to realize that Jehovah is truly with these people who bear his name. What convinces them of this? Many things, among which these are prominent:

    (1) The beliefs of Jehovah’s Witnesses are all based on the Bible—not simply on isolated texts but on the entire Word of God. Instead of teaching things that are of their own originality, Jehovah’s Witnesses answer questions by pointing out what the Bible says. They honor Jehovah by letting him speak. (Compare John 7:16-18.)

    (2) The Bible states that God himself would take out of the nations "a people for his name." (Acts 15:14) They personally would call upon his name and would exert themselves to make it known in all the earth. (Isaiah 12:4, 5) Worldwide, Jehovah’s Witnesses are the people who are significantly associated with God’s personal name, Jehovah.

    (3) Jehovah’s Witnesses have an abundance of satisfying spiritual food. What they learn from the Scriptures and the effect that this has on their outlook on life make them a happy people, in contrast to the world in general. This is what Jehovah said would be true of his servants. (Isaiah 65:13, 14; compare Matthew 4:4.)

    (4) Jehovah’s Witnesses use God’s Word to set their standard of conduct and to guide their decisions in everyday affairs of life—in their families, at work, in school, in choice of recreation, in identifying practices to be shunned, in determining the most worthwhile activities in which to engage. Jehovah promised that ‘he himself would make straight the paths’ of those doing this. (Proverbs 3:5, 6)

    (5) The oversight of the congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses is patterned after that of the first-century congregation of God, in which elders were examples to the flock and fellow workers for the Kingdom of God instead of being an exalted clergy class. (1 Peter 5:2, 3; 2 Corinthians 1:24)

    (6) Jehovah’s Witnesses are not involved in the political affairs of the world but are doing the work that the Bible sets out for true Christians, namely, preaching the good news of God’s Kingdom in all the world for a witness before the end comes. (Matthew 24:14; compare John 17:16; 18:36.)

    (7) Jehovah’s Witnesses really love one another, as Jesus said his true disciples would do. Skin color, tribal origin, economic circumstances, nationality, language—none of these cause one to look down upon the other. Despite human imperfections, they are all truly united as an international brotherhood, and for this they give all credit to God. (John 13:35; compare Acts 10:34, 35.)

    (8) Like the early Christians, Jehovah’s Witnesses in modern times keep right on serving God in spite of persecution. Trusting in God, they do not retaliate against opposers. As was true in the past, God has proved to be with his servants to deliver them. (Jeremiah 1:8; Isaiah 54:17)


    These are just a few of the reasons why, as foretold, "ten men out of all the languages of the nations" are saying with genuine conviction to the remnant of Kingdom heirs: "We will go with you people, for we have heard that God is with you people." (Zechariah 8:23) The Scriptures use "ten" to represent completeness as to earthly matters, so these "ten men" represent all who are taking up true worship now in company with Christ’s spirit-anointed "brothers." They do not merely associate with the remnant at their meetings but identify themselves as worshipers of their God, Jehovah. They dedicate their lives to him through Jesus Christ and symbolize this by water baptism, thus demonstrating that they want to "become joined to Jehovah." Then they share gladly in the work being done earth wide by his witnesses.—Zechariah 2:11; Isaiah 61:5, 6.




    Some who take this action are like the queen of Sheba in the days of Solomon. From far away she "was hearing the report about Solomon in connection with the name of Jehovah." She had never personally spoken with Solomon nor had she been to Jehovah’s temple in Jerusalem. She had some doubts as to whether it could all be as good as she had heard. But she put forth the effort to find out, traveling perhaps 1,400 miles (2,250 km) by camel to do so. She found answers to all of her "perplexing questions" and exclaimed: "Look! I had not been told the half." She could not help but conclude that Jehovah loved his worshipers. (1 Kings 10:1-9) Some who have been prominent in the world have imitated her example today, and many from more humble circumstances have done so. They see evidence that Jehovah’s Witnesses look to no man but to Jesus Christ, the Greater Solomon, as their King. The answers they are given from God’s Word satisfy their minds and hearts, and they feel moved to join their voices in blessing Jehovah.—Compare Luke 11:31.


    Others are like Rahab of Jericho, who already was convinced from reports received that the God of Israel was "God in the heavens above and on the earth beneath." (Joshua 2:11) When spies from Israel entered the land, she welcomed them, concealed them and endangered her life to protect them. She had faith and gave evidence of it by her works, taking her stand with Jehovah’s people. (Hebrews 11:31; James 2:25) She carefully followed the instructions given for her preservation. Rahab also showed loving concern for her father and mother, her brothers and sisters, opening the way for them to be spared if they would obey the requirements for survival. (Joshua 2:12, 13, 18, 19) As a result she and her household were delivered when Jericho and its Baal-worshiping inhabitants were annihilated. (Joshua 6:22, 23) This has powerful significance in our day. It demonstrates that Jehovah will spare persons who are like Rahab. What shows them to be like her? They put faith in Jehovah, identify themselves with the members of spiritual Israel, closely follow the directions given through this channel and earnestly endeavor to help close family members and other relatives to see the wisdom of doing the same.


    Of course, the real attraction, what is drawing people of all nations into association with Jehovah’s Witnesses, is Jehovah God himself. His Word appeals to them. The fruitage of his spirit in the lives of his servants is inviting to them. As they become well acquainted with his qualities and his dealings with mankind, they long for the time when God’s name will be vindicated of all the reproach heaped upon it by Satan and by faithless humans. They themselves endeavor to conduct their affairs in a way that will be pleasing to their Creator and that will move others to glorify him. (1 Peter 2:12) With all their hearts they pray, as Jesus taught his disciples: "Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth." (Matthew 6:9, 10) And, in harmony with their prayer, they render sacred service to God in full unity with those who give unmistakable evidence that they are the "people for [Jehovah’s] name."



    1, 2. (a) What does Zechariah 8:23 foretell for our day? (b) Who is the God here referred to, and how does the Bible emphasize his personal name?

    3. As foretold at Zechariah 8:20-23, (a) who would seek Jehovah? (b) and by associating with whom?

    4. Why does this prophecy not apply to Judaism or to Christendom?

    5. How do the Scriptures identify (a) the "Jerusalem" that represents Jehovah today? (b) the "man who is a Jew" concerning whom Zechariah prophesied?

    6. (a) What has convinced millions of persons as to the identity of the people that God is with today? (Consider one point at a time; read the scriptures.) (b) Which point(s) have been most impressive to you personally?

    7. (a) Who are the "ten men"? (b) How do they give evidence that Jehovah really has become their God?

    8. (a) What caused the queen of Sheba to travel to Jerusalem? (b) What did she do when she arrived, and with what outcome? (c) How have there proved to be people like her in our day? (Psalm 2:10-12)

    9. (a) In what way was Rahab’s attitude different from that of the queen of Sheba? (b) What was noteworthy about the events leading to the preservation of Rahab and her household? (c) What identifies persons who are like Rahab today?

    10. (a) As Zechariah’s prophecy shows, what is really attracting people so that they associate with Jehovah’s Witnesses? (b) How can we show, in attitude and in actions, that love for Jehovah is truly what fills our hearts?

  • poppers

    "Who shall be first to awaken and stand behind such a man that says he can fix it all in the twinkling of an eye?"

    I think slave1111 would fit the bill.

  • Jake99

    Peaceful Pete,

    Congratualations on your understanding of my opening post and thank you for the compliment. It is written in a similar style to the story you posted. Many people do not understand the complexity and simplicity of this method, which is how much of the bible is written. Some might call it tongues or parables, I think its more like mysterious shorthand, a puzzle and a maze and yet it is meant to be a map and a lesson. Only the writer knows exactly was is meant, however the evidence of the intention and meaning is all clearly and cleverly concealed and revealed at the same time.


    Katerine Zeta Jones might just be in my mind all day, she sure is beautiful, I liked Barbars Eden at that age as well, not to mention her personality and abilities as a genie or was it Jeannie. Even the mind of a Saint would be distracted by such beauty, which appears to be more than skin deep. I like women who keep their mind and body in good condition.

    You sound like a hard core beleiver in Christ, that is commendable, for the time is near when you will be asked to believe in, and stand behind the special man who you preach about. How many prophecies and miracles must he perform before revealing who he is? All of them.....

  • BlessedStar
  • BlessedStar

    Worthy is the Lamb!

    Blessed Star

  • kid-A

    2000 years ago people said the same thing. 10,000 years from now people will still be waiting. Newsflash: It aint coming.

  • BlessedStar

    He is coming! Yes indeedy kid. He is. No-one knows the day or time. Only God knows. You know there's a saying what goes up must come down? Apply it even though it is not about gravity.

    Blessed Star

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